Fifty years ago today I gave my life to Christ. I was a very little girl, having just turned four years old the month prior. I didn’t understand everything about salvation, but I well understood my need for a Savior. I said the sinner’s prayer and committed my life to Jesus. That life-changing, eternity-altering choice was five decades ago today. In light of such a huge milestone, starting twelve months ago leading up to today, I’ve been commemorating my personal year of spiritual Jubilee. And oh what a celebration God had in store for me!
The Significance of Jubilee
In Scripture, Jubilee is the celebration that begins in the 49th year leading up to its conclusion at fifty. Leviticus 25 talks about the year of Jubilee, and Isaiah 61 references it as well. In ancient Israel, Jubilee was a joyful year where freedom was proclaimed, prisoners were set free, and hope was restored. My understanding is that modern Israel no longer celebrates Jubilee, but that didn’t prevent me from having my own celebration! As I’ve walked through my spiritual Jubilee, I’ve been ready for whatever God wanted to do in and through and around me.
Way back when I was a teenager, I read in God’s Word, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:9). With that, I decided to do what God’s Word said and find out if His promises were true. Decades later, I can say with great confidence that God is indeed true to His Word. I don’t claim great prosperity or success, but I have seen the goodness of the Lord.
God Celebrating Jubilee with Me
Fast forward to my Jubilee. Turned out, God has had some seriously unexpected, joyful surprises in store for me during my Jubilee. So many, many presents, not the least of which is a granddaughter named Jubilee. Almost inexplicably, her parents – my son and daughter-in-law – chose Jubilee’s name before they even knew what this year was for me. That’s not coincidence. That is God’s sovereignty, as He weaves together all the threads of our lives. Fifty years ago when I gave my life to Jesus as a four year old, He knew He was going to weave in the gift of a grandbaby named Jubilee and so much more.
Gift upon gift, grace upon grace. So profound and significant were God’s presents to me throughout my spiritual Jubilee that I feel like He has been celebrating this fifty year milestone with me.
My Declaration for the Next 50
That long ago, four-year old life-changing, eternity-altering choice has affected the entire trajectory of my life. And now, I’ve faithfully walked with God for fifty years. By no means have I done this perfectly, but I have walked faithfully alongside Him.
And now, this is my declaration. Today, as I begin my next fifty with the Lord, I’m going to keep walking with Him. The enemy of our souls can keep his bribes, his flatteries, his temptations, his accusations, and his self-focused offerings.
I’ve lived my life for Jesus for fifty years now, and I’m going to keep living this life for Him. As the worship song says, “You can have all this world, give me Jesus.” He is my one thing. He is my main thing. He is my purpose, my identity, my reason.
As I end this Jubilee, I’m not going to back down nor am I going to rest on my laurels. I’m not going to relax and take it easy now because I’ve put in fifty good years. My spark for Jesus was lit when I was four, and the fire has grown greater and greater through these five decades. From here, I intend to go out like a bonfire. I will charge the gates of hell, I will shout from the rooftops, I will holler in the valleys: Jesus is the Great King.
Of course, I’d have to live to 108 to celebrate another spiritual Jubilee. I recently heard about a friend’s parents who are that old, so I know it’s not entirely impossible. I think it would be super fun to be an ancient old woman telling her great great great grandchildren about the Great King. Still, regardless of what God has in store for me, whether in this world or in the Throne Room, here’s what I have decided: Jesus will be the Word on my breath until my last.
Join Me in the Journey
Whoever you are, wherever you are along the way, whatever point you’re at on your spiritual journey, I implore you to join me. Living for Jesus is the best life, the only life, the true life, the most fulfilling life. I can say without reservation, “God is my salvation; I will trust him and not be afraid, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my song. He has become my salvation” (Isaiah 12:2 CSB). Walk alongside me in this. Join me in devotion driven discipleship conversations, at The Family Disciple Me Podcast or on the coming-later-this-year FDM app. Join me on Family Disciple Me social media or at Join me in “Seek Him School,” which I’m so excited to share in the months to come. God has so much in store for all of us as we turn our attention to Him. Together, we can be encouraged to “Seek Him Speak Him” and experience all that He has in store for us.
Confident for the Future
My Jubilee has been awesome, yes it has. But, on this day, my fiftieth spiritual birthday, I can say with all confidence, I believe the best is yet to come.
All glory to God, in Jesus’ Name, amen!
Be encouraged! Tosha ❤️