It’s Thanksgiving–and I Don’t Cook!
Here Are Some Fast and Easy Thanksgiving Sides
for the Non-Cook
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Some Thanksgiving dinners turn into real family affairs, and all adults are expected to participate in the preparation. That’s good and fair, I suppose, but the non-cook who volunteers the paper products or a gallon of tea can face more than an awkward moment when some distant relative inquires, “What did you bring?” He or she may become the target of family jokes for years. If that doesn’t bother you, cool; but if it does, here are a few suggestions for great and easy sides:
Fall salad:
You’ve got this! You can choose a masterful combination of raw ingredients–no cooking involved!
Tear to bite-sized pieces three cups iceberg lettuce
Add ½ cup chopped red (purple) onion, one diced honeycrisp apple (skin on), one diced pear (skin on), one small can (drained) mandarin oranges, ½ cup Craisins, ½ cup chopped walnuts, feta cheese crumbles (on top)
Dress with raspberry walnut vinaigrette dressing
This makes enough for about 4-6 people. Adjust as needed.
Veggie plate:
Yes, you can purchase these at the store, but if you make your own you can customize it to your family’s liking.
Cut and assemble on a large tray any of the following: broccoli pieces, cauliflower pieces, baby carrots, small sweet or dill pickles, cheese cubes, boiled egg halves, green olives (pitted), black olives (pitted), grape tomatoes, celery stalks (cut small), green onions, bell peppers …
Make a bowl of dip for the vegetables by mixing 1 package Knorr ® Vegetable recipe mix, 1/2 cup mayonnaise and 1 container (16 oz.) sour cream. Serve it in a bowl, or be creative and serve it in a hollowed out pepper.

“Fresh-baked bread”
Most grocery stores sell frozen bread dough for either loaf bread or rolls. They make wonderful, fresh-tasting bread, especially if you can serve it warm! A couple of cautions here: be sure you get bread dough and not pie crust or pastry dough; take it out in time to thaw and rise before you bake it; slice baked loaf bread with a serrated knife or bread knife. Serve your bread or rolls with softened butter and local honey.

Whipped sweet potatoes:
This side is delicious and more than easy. Peel and dice three, large, raw (not canned) sweet potatoes. Boil a pot of water with a little salt, then add the diced potatoes. Cook them in the boiling water until they’re soft but NOT mushy. Drain off the water and put them in a bowl with ½ stick of butter, ½ cup of milk or cream, ½ cup brown sugar, a dash of cinnamon, and a cracked egg, and mix on “whip” with a hand mixer until fluffy, mashed potato consistency. Spoon gently into an oven-safe baking dish and place in the oven on 450 until the top gets a little golden-brown tint, about 30 minutes.
Take them out and serve hot.
This will serve 6-8.

Hershey pie:
This is a simple, wonderful dessert for anyone who likes chocolate. It does not need to be baked and you can prepare it at the last minute. You will need:
1 8” graham cracker pie crust
6 regular size Hershey bars (plain or almond)
1 stick of butter
1 container of Cool Whip
(This is NOT a diet dessert!!!)
Melt the butter in a pot on the stovetop set to medium. Unwrap all the Hershey bars and break them apart. Put the chocolate pieces into the melted butter and stir until all the chocolate is melted. Take the pot off the heat and add the Cool Whip. Blend it thoroughly with a large spoon until the mixture is all one color. While it is still warm, spoon the chocolate mixture into the pie crust. Refrigerate until firm enough to cut–45 minutes or so.
It’s Thanksgiving–and I don’t cook!
So what?
All of these sides are so simple and easy, you will no longer have nightmares worrying, “It’s Thanksgiving, and I don’t cook!” Take one or two to your family gathering and serve them with pride! They will not disappoint.
God bless you, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.