“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness” Lamentations 3:22-23
A couple of weeks ago I shared a meditation written by my late mentor, Reverend Pat Carver. It is from a folder, tattered and torn that dates back to 1980. I was just a little one in diapers at the time. I marvel at the wisdom of her words that ring true today. She certainly was a wonderful example of someone who heard God’s voice. As I read this writing titled, “Steady” I couldn’t help but think these words are timeless and could easily be used today. Please enjoy her very wonderful encouraging words.
There is a need to remain steady
There is a need to remain steady. There is a way to remain steady. There is a rest in steadiness. The word steady means: stable, firmly fixed, resolute, unwavering, regular in action or movement, constant, habitual, trustworthy. Jesus as the Living Word can cause us to be all these things, and we can see the results in our every waking and sleeping moments.

Steadiness can help us have peace of mind
Any disruption in our peace of mind, in God’s health in our bodies, of His financial blessings in our lives, doesn’t mean there has been a disruption in God’s Word. His Word remains steady ALL the time. The dictionary defines disruption this way: forcible separation, a rending asunder. Satan brings and uses circumstances to try to forcibly separate us from God’s Word- his purpose being to bring us to the point of doubt and fear; hoping the result will be wavering in double mindedness so we will be moved by what the circumstances seem to be saying. When we do this, we exalt the things that we can see and hear and feel above what Father’s Word says–and then disorder takes hold. Confusion enters in, questions tumble all around us, and defeat marches in trying to conquer us.
What happens when we lose focus?
When this happens in any area of our lives, the vital thing for us to remember immediately, is that God’s Word has not stopped working for us–not even for a second. There has been no break in the continuance of the Eternalness of His Word. His Word is Forever Settled in Heaven (Psalm 119:89). It is Eternal and no force can come against it that will cause it to change. God is unchangeable. God in us is our ability to remain unchangeable. God in us keeps us steady. He is steady, therefore we are steady.

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How Can I be steady when everything around me seems chaotic?
When Jesus became sin in our place (II Corinthians 5:21), the spiritual powers over us were rendered powerless. Satan has no spiritual authority over us, unless we waver in our thought life, or in the words of our mouth. We have a built-in steady keeper. His name is Jesus. No circumstances phases Him. Nothing surprises Him or catches Him off-guard. Through the chaos of the world, God’s word never changes. If something disturbs you, if a family situation is tense, if you are becoming consumed by the chaos of the world, remember this”: God’s Word has not changed, neither before, nor after the chaos. A lot of the trouble we experience is temporal in nature.
The Word of God is Eternal
The Word of God is Eternal (II Cor. 4:18)! If anything comes into your life contrary to God’s Word and His Covenant of health, wholeness, peace and blessings–remember this: you, using God’s Word, are God’s authority in the earth. You are placing your faith in Him and His promises. So, take His Word and pray through those temporal circumstances. Pray for change. After all, God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are His ways our ways. His Word is our steadiness and stability of our days, and will cause you to walk in His wisdom and knowledge (Is. 33:6). Make the choice of the Word and you will be steady. His Word is Victory. He has made you steady, stable and strong.
I hope you all take a moment and read Rev. Carver’s words that were written many years ago. I must confess that I found myself stuck in so much worry and very little faith. Let’s face it, the world is crazy right now. We need the steadiness of God in our lives. I will pray for you all dear readers. May God Bless your days.