January 30, 2025

Change is the only constant in life. But how do you cope when personal upheaval collides with chaos in the world? It can feel overwhelming. I know this firsthand. After a 33-year marriage ended in divorce, I found myself facing not just the personal changes of rebuilding a life, but doing so in a world that often seems to be spinning out of control. Wars, political strife, cultural shifts, and economic uncertainty are enough to shake anyone, but when they... Read more

January 9, 2025

Divorce is one of the most challenging life events a person can face. It marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, filled with uncertainties and emotions that can seem overwhelming. However, while the journey may be difficult, it also offers a unique opportunity to rediscover yourself, embrace change, and ultimately thrive. The key to navigating the years after divorce is to focus on personal growth. How?   1. Embrace the Grieving Process Before you can fully... Read more

December 15, 2024

It has been a challenging few years. The aftermath of divorce from a long-term marriage has been harrowing. Problems with adult children have nearly overwhelmed. But I pressed on. I looked ahead to my favorite time of the year – Christmas! As the holiday season approaches, many of us find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle of shopping, decorating, and planning gatherings. However, amidst this flurry of activity, it is essential to pause and reflect on the true... Read more

November 22, 2024

As the holiday season draws near, my thoughts inevitably return to the empty chair at the dinner table. The chair where my daughter once sat. This year, it may be two chairs, as two of my daughters will likely be absent Thanksgiving holds a special place in my heart. It’s my favorite time of year, a day devoted to giving thanks, something I try to practice every day. But having one day set aside for gratitude feels like a special... Read more

November 10, 2024

When my kids were young, I was a super mom. I could dry every tear, kiss every boo boo and scare away any bogey man. Photo Courtesy of Pixabay One of my daughters approached me with a broken toy once. She said, “Mommy fix this. Mommy fix everything.” Those were glorious days of mothering filled with joy and fun. Stressful, yes, but definitely delightful. As time went on, I lost my fix-it superpowers. I couldn’t fix my then husband’s cancer.... Read more

October 30, 2024

Wait. I thought parents were supposed to be the teachers of children. As a former homeschooling mom, I was invested in being the teacher of my children. Teach them I did, for better or for worse. In the end, they taught me far greater lessons. Image Courtesy of Pexels.com We try to teach our children to thrive in the world, but sometimes their struggles can invite us to grow in unexpected ways, calling us to deeper maturity, understanding, and spirituality.... Read more

October 10, 2024

I’ve been divorced. Twice, actually. I married the first time when I was young and scared and stupid. Can God forgive me for that? I married the second time to someone I thought was perfect, who turned out to be as flawed as I am. There are many of us in the pews who are in the same situation. Wondering. Image courtesy of Pixabay Are my sins beyond the grace of God? Some would say yes. Unless they were occasioned... Read more

October 4, 2024

Have you heard the statistic that nearly 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. are estranged from their parents? That’s a hard thing to think about. It’s even a harder thing to experience. Estrangement is painful and confusing. Whether it’s misunderstandings, differing values, or past conflicts, many families face this challenge. One of the last times I attended ladies Bible study at a large church, my breakout group of eight women had three of us going through this experience. We... Read more

September 10, 2024

My 33-year marriage ended with a quiet whimper, not an explosion. After rounds and rounds of counseling, unkept promises, empty days – I left. That morning, I asked if we could talk. He grudgingly sat down, visibly irritated, as usual. Everything I did or said irritated him, causing his deeper withdrawal and palpable resentment. “How do you think things are going?” I asked. He waited a beat, then stood up, went to get his jacket and his laptop, and left.... Read more

September 1, 2024

Abuse does not always leave bruises. Image courtest of Pexels Sometimes it is silent. Sometimes it whispers. Sometimes it rages. Then comes the apologies, the tears, the bouquets of flowers.   I didn’t think I married an angry man, although there were a few early red flags. When too much alcohol was consumed, there would be tears and woeful shrieks of pain that had to go somewhere. Alcohol provided the portal for its escape. Always frightening. Always deeply confusing.  ... Read more

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