Hidden in plain sight
Today, I listened vehemently to a clip from a conversation on CNN. The discussion totally disturbed me. I think I’m actually more stunned than perturbed. A panelist, accused of using a slur by calling a boy transitioning into a girl a boy, was censored from his First Amendment right. I wonder how God would feel with someone re-naming His trademark? Has anyone stopped to ask Him?
The human body is scientifically immutable in terms of sex. Therefore lying beneath the surface of a made-up gender is the inescapable sex of that person. Superficially, one may appear to be the antithesis, but it is impossible to biologically become an absolute opposite gender as we are assigned sex at fertilization. In the beginning, God assigned the dirt to become man. Being the potter He is, He hand-built man, and when He decided to complete Himself in mankind, He fashioned the female from Adam’s rib. Therefore, it is the female who’s extracted from man. Doesn’t mean she can turn that rib into a wishbone and become a man, either.
When folks adopt the idea that children can swap genders, it makes it quite convoluted for female sports. As a former junior high school girls basketball, softball, girls volleyball and high school track & field coach, female sports must remain female fed. It is well known that boys competing in sports competitions are proven to be stronger, faster and more agile than most girls. The stiffer the competition, the greater increase in these components. Is that why we rarely see FTM transitions into male sports?
The WNBA and male players
If gender transitioning in sports is inconsequential, why aren’t we witnessing greater numbers of women-transitioning-to-men competing alongside males? Is it the lack of testosterone? Is it the scientific reality that females are traditionally less formidable, physically, than males?
Instead, we argue whether an alleged man is secretly playing in the WNBA. Help me make sense of this. The WNBA is a women’s sport. So, why isn’t Britney Griner transitioning to the NBA? Is she Papa or not?

I guess Genesis goes out the window when alternative voices are in control. Is today’s climate intentionally germinating seeds to inter-gender sports? Is the United States clandestinely competing males as women at the highest level of sports? If so, biological warfare on females has begun. Even with the removal of God-given cells, hormones and body parts, the spiritual assignment of male is not rebuked. Mutilation can’t undo God’s charge.
Hidden transgenderism
The younger boys transition, the easier it is to disguise their gender assignment when entering competitive female sports. A female-girl, then, loses the opportunity to compete by having a male replace her, Additionally, an unfair advantage if often times afforded the male due to his physicality. Lastly, God’s divine family dynamic alters as these children develop into adulthood. In essence, making natural procreation impossible.
In all, a male has no place in female: sports, modeling, entertainment, or any gig carved out for women… especially since they are slim to begin with. Title IX was created to give females a fair chance at playing sports in their own leagues. Hidden transgenderism and blatant transgenderism threatens the foundation of this law by unscientifically extending the term “woman.” Perhaps, we should re-term women’s sports to female sports? Young women who fight their entire lives to earn scholarships must now succumb to men, claiming they’re women, who are more physically apt. It’s unethical.
As a female coach, I cannot stand by and play dress up with idea that a boy raised as a girl should now be on my all female team because he feels he is a girl, or presents as such. What about the person’s biological data? This is why hidden transgenderism is dangerous. In all fairness, a separate transgender league must be created as God’s trademark (the female) is not transgender.
Could God’s trademark be phasing out?
As an elementary school girl, I was the biggest tomboy. I chased boys, out ran some, and beat up a few. That was the life of a Bronx girl in the 80’s. Yet, when the wind was knocked out of me, receiving a blow to the stomach, I experienced the inordinate strength of an average boy. I quickly understood the difference between a female’s body a male’s.
Flash forward to adulthood. While coaching junior high school boys basketball in The Bronx, my head coach asked me to assign potential students fake addresses to afford them access to our team by fudging paperwork. (Youth sports apply jurisdiction restrictions.) Needless to say, I resigned from my position. It was deceptive. What’s the difference between this scenario and providing a male-presenting-as-a-woman a physical advantage in a female sport? How in good conscience could I as a born again believer do that? God frowns on manipulation and lying. By participating in the deception, I’d be accountable of His judgment.
Simply because one adorns a wig on one’s head, adds make-up, and tucks, doing so doesn’t legitimize gender-alteration-recognition. It’s gender misappropriation. Presenting doesn’t render a biological transformation. At best, it describes a theater production. It’s as deceptive as restaurants dressing up leftovers from a patron’s plate, then re-serving it. Listen, all I’m saying is biological bodies count. It’s what your insides are saying, not the presentation that should determine who’s on the field. As males in women’s sports mounts, God’s trademark could possibly be phasing out.