Yes, Learn to Manifest Your DREAMS!
Yes, learn to manifest your DREAMS! Every one of you have desires that you wish to manifest for yourself. Yet you block these desires by creating doubt and worry in your mind. Job 3:25 told the story of Job, who said, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.”
So many times, I listen to my friends who are going through some hard times. I try not to throw in my two cents worth. I know that we are all here to learn and grow. And sometimes we need to find out things for ourselves.
Besides, what I have learned over the years is that many times any suggestions that I give are immediately discounted. This is followed by a litany of reasons why they wouldn’t work. It’s almost as if so many of you think you DESERVE hard times!
I Also Had Difficulty Manifesting My Dreams
When I began learning about how to manifest the desires of my heart, it was difficult for me to grasp the fact that we are energy. And I learned that our thoughts resonate at certain frequencies. Those frequencies our thoughts put out will then ALIGN with the Universe. And then the Universe responds by returning to us what we put out.
If you don’t like what the Universe is delivering to you, then you need to change that frequency you are tuned to. It’s like watching a particular channel on your TV. If you don’t like the show, you turn the channel to something better. If you don’t like certain situations in your life, then change the channel.
My Friend Ann Had a Hard Time Manifesting Her Dreams
In an earlier post, I revealed that my friend Ann was involved in a lawsuit that could be devastating if she lost. For weeks before her hearing date she constantly bemoaned how she would be ruined if she lost this lawsuit. This was pretty much our entire conversation whenever we got together.
Finally, I asked her this question: “What outcome to you WANT to happen?” She thought about it for a minute and said, “Well, of course I want to win this lawsuit, but I’m just not sure that I will.”
I persisted: “Give me all the reasons you feel you should WIN.” And she clearly and concisely related many substantial facts that should result in her victory. And then I asked, “So, give me every reason you feel you may LOSE this lawsuit.”
That stopped her in her tracks! She finally sighed and said, “Well, I’m not sure why I feel I’ll lose. Maybe it’s because I don’t ever seem to get a break. I’m no mastermind, you know. I can’t compete with their high-priced attorneys.”
Ann Chose to Manifest Her Dreams by “Changing Her Energy”
After verbalizing every reason she SHOULD win this lawsuit, Ann realized that she had every right to a fair and positive outcome, I suggested that she surrender those negative thoughts to God and instead THANK GOD for that perfect outcome.
She agreed this was a good idea, and together she made this affirmation: “I THANK YOU GOD for a fair and positive outcome of this lawsuit. I surrender all doubts and fears, and my belief that I don’t deserve this outcome, and I release it into Your hands.”
After Ann surrendered all her doubts and fears, she felt as if a ton of bricks had been lifted off her. And she WON THE LAWSUIT! She chose to CHANGE HER ENERGY CHANNEL!
Are You Ready to “Change YOUR Energy?”
Instead of dwelling on Channel 5, which is a soap opera of what’s wrong with your life, why not turn to Channel 8, which will present the way you would like your life to be? The simple act of THINKING ABOUT WHAT YOU DO WANT will automatically change the frequency from Channel 5 to Channel 8.
We always come back to the same truth. Change your thoughts, and you will change your life. Think about what you DO want, and you will change your frequency to ATTRACT what you DO want. You will know when your frequency has changed when you begin seeing positive changes in your life.
Where Does This Belief in Lack and Limitation Come From?
Where does this belief in Lack and Limitation come from? When did we start giving in to the Mass Mind Thinking that says our lot in life is to suffer? Yes, I understand that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, which includes challenges we wrote into our script, but we are also God’s children. This means that we are entitled to do what makes us happy, not suffer unnecessarily.
Here is a challenge I am putting out to all of you. I want you to think of one thing you DESIRE. I don’t want you to tell me what you NEED: I need more money, I need healing, I need a job. Forget NEED! Let’s dream here for a minute!
I am finding as I talk to people that trying to get them to DREAM is almost impossible. So many of you have lived with a POVERTY MENTALITY for so long that you have forgotten how to dream. But here’s the problem: Since your THOUGHTS dictate what you get, if you can’t even DREAM of a better life, you will never RECEIVE it.
And I don’t want you to talk about what you want for SOMEBODY ELSE! This is for you! The flight attendants on a plane explain that if there is an emergency and your oxygen mask drops down, PUT YOURS ON FIRST, AND THEN HELP YOUR CHILD. In other words, you can’t help anyone else until you help yourself.
So, let’s DREAM BIG! Would you like a new car? A new house? A dream job making lots of money using your creative gifts? A loving relationship with someone to share your life? A chance to sing or act? Publishing a book you’ve been thinking about? Creating a new business you’ve been wanting to start?
Visualize a warehouse full of everything you have dreamed of having, and you are running up and down the aisles screaming “Yes!” Let’s all get into the energy of THINKING BIG! YOU DESERVE IT AND YOU CAN HAVE IT!
It’s time for you to WAKE UP and accept that those hard times you are facing could end quickly if you could learn to take these steps.
- Step #1, BLESS THE CHALLENGE! Acknowledge that you chose it for your soul growth, find the lesson in it, and then release it.
- Step #2, since you just experienced what you DON’T WANT, now think about what you DO WANT.
- Step #3, THANK GOD for fulfilling that desire that you DO WANT. It’s really that simple!
Please feel free to contact me and share your blessings. I love hearing from you! My email is [email protected].