Despite the promises of technology and gadgets to simplify our lives, the demands on our time and responsibilities haven’t lessened. Most of us recognize the importance of following Jesus’ example, who “frequently withdrew to the wilderness and prayed” (Luke 5:16, NET). Yet, despite knowing the importance of pause, we often fail to create the margin in our schedules to do the same. Even in rare moments of downtime, our minds are flooded with thoughts, to-do lists, and anxieties that overwhelm us when silence finally comes. In this blog post, I share five apps that support spiritual discipline and help us to build and embrace sacred pause in our lives.
The Importance of Building Sacred Pause
This lack of sacred pause and discipline in our lives, and the demands on our lives, certainly serves to highlight the critical need to build margin in our lives through spiritual disciplines, such as the practice of developing and living by a Rule of Life. However, even with a well-thought-out Rule of Life that I create at the start of each new year, I often still find life interrupting my best intentions and most boundaried practices. In the noise and chaos of a busy schedule, sacred pause and discipline is essential. I have found some apps have been invaluable in supporting my daily spiritual practices.
Spiritual practices shape us in the ways, words, and works of Jesus. These disciplines teach us to be still, helping us resist the grip of busyness. By intentionally pausing, we push back against the relentless demands of our consumeristic culture and turn our focus toward God. This act of pausing allows us to “stop striving and recognize that [God is] God” (Psalm 46:10, NET).
The Lead a Quiet Life blog on Patheos explores what it means to embrace a quieter life at a slower pace. Through spiritual disciplines, we discover a simple life and faith, one that welcomes downward mobility in a world—and a church—often consumed by excess. Even apps, which so often dominate our time, can be tools that aid us on this journey when used thoughtfully.
Apps Can Help Us Build Sacred Pause
The apps that quickly litter our phones and tablets can be sources of distraction or well-meaning intentions. However, they can also serve as valuable tools for nurturing our spiritual and personal growth. Among the many options, I’ve found these five apps particularly helpful for integrating meaningful practices, scriptural truths, and disciplines into daily life. They provide accessible ways to stay organized, reflect, and connect with God, even in the midst of our busy schedules.

Lectio 365 from 24-7 Prayer
Lectio 365 is the daily devotional resource of the international 24-7 Prayer movement and particularly of its religious order the Order of the Mustard Seed.
- Three daily prayers and scripture readings—morning, afternoon, and evening—offer a rhythm for connecting with God throughout the day.
- I listen to the morning prayer during my drive, the afternoon one on my lunch break, and the evening prayer either during a walk or as I drift off to sleep.
The Bible with Nicky and Pippa from Alpha International
Join Nicky and Pippa Gumbel of the Alpha Course as they take you through every chapter and verse of the Bible, sharing their reflections and prayers along the way.
- There are three options to choose from: an express version, a medium version, and a longer version. Each version includes some commentary alongside the scripture, with less commentary as the version gets shorter.
- I typically use this on my commute after the Lectio 365 app or as soon as I arrive at my office.
- In 2025, I’ve been using the express version, which offers minimal commentary but fits well into my schedule.
Logos Bible by Faithlife
This app is more than just a Bible reader. It lets you study the Bible, access commentaries, explore Greek and Hebrew meanings, create custom reading plans, and more.
- The free version offers limited resources, but as a Logos Software user, I have access to thousands of resources on the go.
- This app provides more features and customization than most Bible reading apps and is designed specifically for in-depth study.
- I use it when people ask me questions or when I have a question of my own to explore.
Five Psalms by Bryant Hyuang
The Psalms provide a guide for prayer and reflection. This app offers five Psalms daily, helping you complete them all in 31 days. You can also include a chapter from Proverbs daily.
- This app is simple and lightweight, offering a no-frills experience. It features five tabs, each containing a Psalm for the day.
- I find this app helpful to use during quiet moments between meetings or to find peace in anxious times.
Bible App by Life.Church
Bible App from YouVersion. Have the Bible and Bible study reading plans with you no matter where you go with this website and free app for your phone or tablet.
- This app offers every version of the scriptures you could want, along with a daily verse.
- I especially enjoy the verse of the day and occasionally use the Bible study reading plans, which can send daily reminders to keep me on track.”
You can find all of these apps in your Google or Apple App stores.
A Few Final Thoughts on Sacred Pause
As we navigate the noise and demands of life at the start of 2025, I invite you to join me in finding greater intentionality in the moments of margin and pause, embracing disciplines and practices that deepen our connection with God. These apps serve as a step in that direction—they are small yet powerful tools to help integrate spiritual practices into our daily routines. While they are not a substitute for deep, quiet reflection or meaningful, extended encounters with the Spirit of God, they can help keep us grounded. They draw us back to the living and breathing Scriptures, which have the power to pierce the deepest parts of who we are—if we allow them to.
- I would love to hear about the apps you’ve tried:
- What apps has worked for you, and what hasn’t?
- Have you found any other apps that have helped nurture your spiritual life?
Please share your thoughts in the comments, and I encourage you to give one of these five apps a try. While these are among the ones I use regularly, there are many others I’ve found helpful as well. Let’s continue the conversation and learn from each other’s experiences.
I’m always interested in a good conversation or a cup of coffee. Let’s connect! I love hearing others’ stories and sharing my own while finding ways to support others on their journey. Feel free to reach out to me via email —I’d love to hear from you. Online you can also connect with me through Facebook, Instagram, Bluesky, X, LinkedIn, Threads, TikTok, and YouTube.