January 30, 2025

I’ve been asked more than a few times if one may be both a Christian and a Hindu. Some do identify that way, and it’s not my business to contradict how one chooses to distinguish oneself. I will say that I have a hard time understanding the concept. Can a Hindu adopt certain Christian practices? Of course. One can even see Jesus as one’s Ishtadevata. That means one’s chosen manifestation of Divinity. Yes, a Hindu could say that of all... Read more

May 22, 2024

Suppose you had a new acquaintance, and you asked her to join you for some weekend activity. And say that she responds enthusiastically, as long as it works within her schedule. She tells you that she’ll be in church on Friday evening for a Novena, then back again on Saturday afternoon for Confession. And of course, Sunday there is Mass. You might at that moment say you didn’t realize she was Catholic. Naturally, she will confirm her spiritual identity. Of... Read more

March 3, 2024

Photo by Bishnu Sarangi from Pixabay Over the years I’ve been questioned about this very challenging virtue that is extolled in The Bhagavad Gita. For context, Lord Krishna is encouraging his disciple Arjuna to fight a righteous battle that he wants to avoid. The opposing side is made up of relatives whom he loved until they entered “the dark side.” Keep in mind that this army is a malevolent gang. They must be defeated for the good of the kingdom.... Read more

November 27, 2023

Those who are not part of the dharmic traditions often are quite challenged by the concept of reincarnation. I recall how I reacted when I learned of it. Perhaps it’s just easier to conceive of oneself as perpetually existing as the person we are now, and residing in heaven with all our friends and family who were lucky enough to join you.But there are those who take rebirth multiple times while not leaving the physical body. A perfect example is... Read more

August 31, 2023

Over the years I’ve mentored a good number of single people who have embraced the dharma as adults. This usually means leaving the tradition of their birth, family and social circles. For those who come to us already married, they either decide to make the move together, or come singly, having reached an understanding with a spouse that this is a journey which needs to be taken. Obviously, an arrangement like that requires patience and balance from both parties.  But... Read more

June 28, 2023

Of all the things that separate the members of different religions, perhaps the most challenging is the notion that others believe in a “different” God. And by different I mean false. Jews, Christians and Muslims are very adamant about monotheism. However, many theologians agree that in ancient times, Jews did believe in the existence of other deities. The difference was that theirs was the best, and with whom they had a covenant. CHRISTIANS & JEWS The vast majority of Christians... Read more

April 20, 2023

When discussing the Hindu Dharma with my non-Hindu friends, they often express a bit of what is known in interfaith circles as “holy envy.” This is what we feel when we learn about an aspect of another religion that our tradition does not share. But we admire it so much that we are a bit envious of the adherents to that faith. For instance, I have holy envy of the Jewish tradition of Bar/Bat Mitzvah. While there is an coming... Read more

April 12, 2023

    image: https://app.designwizard.com/ I was recently involved in an informal chat with some Hindu homies of mine. Someone had found a statement by Manu (sometimes referred to as the Hindu version of Moses or “lawgiver”) that indicated a ban on organ donation.  I was quite pleased with the comments. To a person, everyone on the thread agreed that organ donation was a good thing, and that they were all on board with allowing their eyes, heart, kidneys, marrow, etc.... Read more

January 20, 2023

Those who are not part of the dharmic traditions often are quite challenged by the concept of reincarnation. I recall how I reacted when I learned of it. Perhaps it’s just easier to conceive of oneself as perpetually existing as the person we are now, and residing in heaven with all our friends and family who were lucky enough to join you.But there are those who take rebirth multiple times while not leaving the physical body. A perfect example is... Read more

December 1, 2022

Several years ago, I was conversing with a friend who was in seminary. He was assigned to attend various houses of worship that represented multiple traditions. His denomination is quite liberal, and honors the truths of many paths. When he attended a particular temple that is deeply grounded in the Hindu/Yoga tradition he observed things that he didn’t quite understand. The service was conducted by a rather elderly swami, who led chanting, meditation and provided a detailed sermon on some... Read more

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