January 19, 2025

At the age of 18, I became a seeker. I set out on a decades-long spiritual journey full of twists and turns but one constant in my life was my affinity for Judaism. It didn’t make sense to me for a long time,  I just knew there was this unexplainable spark that ignited when anything or anyone Jewish came across my path.  Honestly, it felt a bit lonely. For years, I thought I was the only one. Most everyone I... Read more

January 5, 2025

Happy New Year and Shalom friends. I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I for one, am still glowing from a festive and joyfilled Hanukkah. My holiday was simple. I spent time with family and feasted on latkes and sufganiyot while being completely mesmerized by the warmth of a candlelit menorah.  This is hands-down my favorite part of Hanukkah. I am fascinated by the spiritual symbolism of light in the Jewish tradition. It’s a metaphor for God, the Torah,... Read more

December 19, 2024

Oh, how I love the festival of lights, or as it’s more commonly known, Hanukkah. I can’t get enough of the brilliant colors, the warm glow of candle-lit menorahs, the festivities, and, of course, the food. It truly is magical. For eight days straight, Jews throughout the world take part in celebratory merriment while enjoying decadent fried foods and other delicious dishes. It truly is a gift from God. But, before we dive into my top five list of fabulously... Read more

December 5, 2024

“Thankfulness has an inner connection with humility. It recognizes that what we are and what we have is due to others and above all, to God.”  ~Rabbi Jonathan Sacks   True gratitude is transformational. It’s the antidote to negativity and a key ingredient to a prosperous and joyous life. But, for so many of us, myself included, living a life of gratitude takes practice, literally. Our brains tend to gravitate toward what is lacking or wrong rather than right. Becoming... Read more

November 21, 2024

If nothing else, religion is about love—love for God, love for each other, and love for ourselves. Yet, so often, people from opposing faiths judge one another, leading to criticism, gossip, and in some cases, hate. I have never understood this.  I have always had a healthy curiosity about other religions, a trait I credit my father for instilling in me. My Dad welcomed diversity long before it was a trending topic. Because of him, I navigate life with an... Read more

November 7, 2024

   Since the topic recently began trending, I have been thinking about joy. What does it truly mean to live a joy-filled life, and how can we achieve this, if we aren’t already?  True joy isn’t found in a political party or a long-awaited victory, nor is it hiding in material wealth or popularity. It is found within. Our capacity to live joyfully solely depends on us.  My Jewish faith and its longstanding traditions have been the vehicle that led... Read more

October 29, 2024

  Becoming Jewish is a process in more ways than one.  It doesn’t happen quickly. Before taking a dip in the Mikvah, there are classes, meetings, and countless hours spent attending services at a temple in preparation for life as a Jew.  How your daily life changes is also a process. No magic wand instantly turns your world Jewish. It’s the gradual, daily application of knowledge and the step-by-step adaptation of new traditions that over time begin to add up. ... Read more

October 13, 2024

Happy World Food Day to all! Wherever you may be in the world, I hope you can stop and enjoy some of the delicious food that the many cultures of this planet have to offer. After all, food is meant to be fun, right? It is meant to taste delicious, bring people together, and help us create memories that last a lifetime. In my corner of the world, I am still busy learning about the many traditional Jewish foods synonymous with... Read more

October 3, 2024

  You know that feeling of accomplishment when you put your heart and soul into something and the result is right at your fingertips?  That is what I am experiencing right now. Just over a year ago I set foot in my synagogue for the first time to convert and here I am just a few weeks away from the final step in the conversion process: the Mikveh.  I am experiencing so many feelings right now, among them is completeness.... Read more

September 30, 2024

  As we near the end of Elul and head quickly toward Rosh Hashanah, I’ve been thinking more than ever about how I want to change for the better in the new year. What traits must I incorporate to make a difference in this world and myself?  When looking for guidance, there is no better place than the Torah. Its pages contain heroes who exhibited leadership, bravery, and strength amid extreme hardship. Among these biblical titans is Moses.  Moses is... Read more

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