Hope is everywhere.
Love is everywhere.
Peace is everywhere.
Joy is everywhere.
They’re absolutely everywhere because God is all these things and He’s everywhere. He is everything, everywhere, all at once. The Word is true in what it says about Him.
He’s omnipotent.
He’s omniscient.
He’s omnipresent.
There is nowhere we can go in our minds, in our emotions, or in the physical world where He is not. He just is. He is God and there is no other who has His knowledge, strength, or power. He has never been defeated and never will be. He has never turned His back on you and He never will. He has never stopped loving you and He never will.
So if God is everywhere, if He’s everything all at once, that includes with us, and inside of us. That means He goes everywhere we go. In the Bible David cried out to God saying, “If I make my bed in Hell you’re there.” The good news is there’s no getting away from our God.
We’re so afraid of being weak, but that’s where God’s strength lies. We are so busy trying to cover our wounds, but that’s the opening through which the light of the Lord shines. We’re so afraid of being controlled but the one who has all power is ultimately in control anyway.
Right now I give you permission to accept your fragility. Step into it. Know that you are precious. But don’t stop there, understand that you are chosen for greatness. The Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:7 NLT tells us:
We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.
All too often we get caught up in wearing the badge of Christianity with the cross necklace and the ichthys (fisher of men symbol) but we forget what the Word says. We forget what God said about us in the holy scriptures. We forget the heroes of faith; we forget the stories of old that should undergird our faith. We forget that God never changes. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever. His grace is all we need. His power works better and shows itself most effectively in weakness, our fragility. His loving kindness is more than enough. It’s always available regardless of the situation. How did we forget that God spoke to Joshua through Moses? How did it escape us that God said He would personally go ahead of him and be with him? How did we forget that same Word applies to us today?
Only a mighty God can do that. Only an all powerful God can do that. Only a God that’s everything, everywhere, all at once can do that. It takes an all-seeing God to plan that. It takes a loving God to do that. And that’s the only God that I’m willing to serve. I lay down my life at the feet of the one who fully knows and fully loves me. I’m 100% safe and secure because He knows the end from the beginning. He has seen what the future holds. And no matter the test He is right there with me, and you. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And you can too.
Unlike the things that we see in the media and even so-called “reality” TV, the Word is forever true. God cannot lie; He does not pretend. He does not cast a shifting shadow. His love for us is as vast and overwhelming as it was at the beginning of eternity. Before the foundation of the earth was set and before the stars were hung in the sky, He loved you and He loved me. That’s a blessed assurance that cannot be forgotten.
You must hold fast to that knowing deep in your soul. And nothing that you see with your natural eyes can rob you of that knowing. That is your true foundation. I’m so grateful to get to share that with you as your sister and as a joint heir of the Kingdom. Know this: what you’re facing is not too big for God. He’s not too busy and He’s not forgotten about you. Hold on and right in the nick of time He’s going to show up in a way that’s going to blow your mind. And remember He’s already there just as He always has been. Everywhere.
Peace be unto you Friend.