Humanitarian Organizations Are a Part of Israeli and Jewish Culture.

Humanitarian Organizations Are a Part of Israeli and Jewish Culture. August 16, 2023

A Core teaching in Judaism, the commandment to love and help the stranger.

Jews have had to take care of themselves for centuries.

 All Jews are responsible for each other.  Kol Israel aravim zeh lzeh.

Jews around the world have heard and internalized this saying.

An oppressed minority, Jews learned early on to form their own humanitarian organizations.

However,  I have used a  different core teaching in Judaism to lead my way.

The commandment to love and help the stranger – (Ki Tavo, Deuteronomy 26:1–29:8) .

I have never limited humanitarian goodness just to the Ju people.

We, the Jewish people, have known the pains and suffering of being a stranger  and oppressed in a land.

Therefore, Israelis as well as Jews worldwide have given  humanitarian organizations a great importance


Poem about kindness while people hug
Printed poem by Susan P.Lax, photo unknown


 A teaching that it is our obligation to never forget and strive to make the world a better place.

 Tikkun Olam, Repairing the World is another pervasive phrase in Judaism.

It comes from the Mishnah.

This  message that must be passed on to generations to come,

If we do not contribute to fixing the world, we have learned nothing.

Consequently, TIKKUN OLAM will be heard at weddings, BNAI-MITZVA’S,  and synagogues during the High Holidays.

A   Jewish teaching that it is our obligation to never forget and strive to make the world a better place.

Organizations like, AJWS and HIAS  are humanitarian organizations  that exemplify this phrase.

 HIAS was responsible for helping my family, holocaust survivors to resettle.

Today, they help all refugees for the world is made up of humanity.

Israel, the Jewish state, has always created humanitarian organizations to help people around the world.

In Israel, we know  how wars, and terrorist attacks, both on Palestinians and Jewish can devastate the souls involved.

IsraAid supports  refugees, victims of natural disasters, as well sufferers of wars around the world.

IsraAid is an Israeli organization whose mission is to support people worldwide affected by humanitarian crisis.

Jewish and Israeli humanitarian organizations continue to offer humanitarian aid around the world..

You can find some of them below:


World Jewish Relief

Natan Relief


Humanity must be taken care of. 

I co- own NAOT an Israeli based international footwear company.

Our company’s message is  based on repairing the world, TiIKKUN OLAM.

We donate shoes to those in need around the world with the help of Israeli and Jewish humanitarian organizations.

This cause is ingrained in the Jewish  and Israeli community.

Just as it is a part of my soul story.

As a spiritual counselor ,Jew, Israeli-American,  and member of the human race I have a responsibility.

I must take  part in  fixing and creating a better world.

Humanity must be taken care of,.

What a privilege it is to help do that!


If your path leads you to learn more about me click here.

About Susan P. Lax
When one of Susan’s closest friends was fighting cancer and had to focus on trying to heal, they didn’t speak as often as they once did. To make sure Stephanie knew that Susan was always thinking of her each day, Susan emailed her friend a healing, positive thought first thing in the morning. Slowly, Susan discovered an ability to translate her heart words into written ones and more and more people began to receive Susan’s “Morning Inspiration” which is from where her book, A HEART’S LANDSCAPE, derived. Right now, especially with all happening in the world, Susan offers deep reminders with words and warm visuals – to take a moment and just pause – get away from the inundation and put the chaos away. Susan’s heart words and inspiring visuals guide readers to take a moment and escape all adversity and focus on carving out one joyful moment with the hope that it will lead to other good moments. You can read more about the author here.
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