This week was a big week in the entertainment industry as the award season kicked off the Hollywood for the year at the Golden Globes over the weekend. Demi Moore won her first award for acting.
It has been a rough couple of years in the entertainment industry. The show is an opportunity for Hollywood and the acting community to come together to support each other’s accomplishments in the entertainment industry.
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Although she didn’t win an award this year, Hollywood’s golden child Zendaya did have a memorable night in Hollywood after viewers spotted an engagement ring on her wedding finger.
Later it was confirmed that she and longtime boyfriend Tom Holland had gotten engaged over the holidays at her family’s home. No one is surprised that this Hollywood “it” couple has finally decided to take the next step in their relationship.

The two have been an item in Hollywood it couple since 2017’s Spiderman Homecoming movie. For years, they played down their relationship although it was on full display for the whole world to see.
Who doesn’t get the warm fuzzies when thinking about romance during the holidays, when families and friends unite (Genesis 2:24?)
Unity is a popular concept in the fallen world we live in. Unite is defined as, “To come together as a single unit; to become one.” Sports teams understand the importance of being united to work together for a common good.
Organizations unite and consolidate for a common purpose that benefits the whole organization. Nature and God’s creation demonstrate the power of numbers that comes from being united. Unity is both a physical and a spiritual action.
In the Bible, the first marriage was performed when God took two beings created in His image and made them one flesh (Genesis 2:18-25.) Marriage is a spiritual institution in both Judaism and Christianity.

Christianity particularly emphasizes the need for God’s people to be united. We see the relationship between God and His people through the marriage analogy in the Bible (Ephesians 5:25-33.)
Through Scripture we see that God’s people and the light are one (Romans 12:5, 1 Corinthians 10:17; 12:13, Galatians 3:28, Ephesians 5:25.) The Apostle Paul remembered his Jewish education about the importance of God’s people being united.
The ancient world was selfish and looked out for individual pleasure and gain. Judaism places a lot of importance on unity among God’s people because they are a holy nation set apart for God’s purposes, that is why God divided them from the corrupt ancient world (Leviticus 19:2.)
In Judaism God is a monotheistic God who longs to be reconnected to His creation (Genesis 3:8-9, Psalm 145:18, Isaiah 65:1-2, Jeremiah 31:3.) The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for unite is yāḥaḏ and it can also mean, “To join, or make one,” depending on the context it is used in.
God’s people have always been called to be united people, even though they have different practices.
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Despite God’s command to be one holy nation, Israel has a history of being divided and disobedient to God. That is why Jesus often prayed for God’s people to be one (John 17:20-23.)

Jesus even rebuked some Jewish Pharisees who wanted to test Jesus about divorce, Jesus explained it was never God’s plan to let man separate what God joined together (Matthew 19:3-9.) We serve a God who unites us, not one who divides us.
He goes back to the bridegroom/bride analogy about how much God loves His people (Ephesians 5:25-27.) Jesus knew a home divided will not last, just like a nation that is divided will not last (Matthew 25:12, Luke 11:17.) God’s people must remain united, even when they don’t agree.
Justin Trudeau
Early this week news broke that the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau would resign from both the leader of Canada and the leader of the Liberal party in Canada. Not only has his own political party been divided over his leadership, but there has been a growing backlash from Canadians and elsewhere.

The Prime Minister believed he isn’t the person to unite his political party and the nation of Canada. Not only had he been losing support from his own party, Pres. elect Trump had also added pressure over trade and border issues.
The Prime Minister decided to put his nation and party before his personal agenda and aspirations. True leaders unite the people, homes, and nations they lead.
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As the great American politician Patrick Henry wisely noted, “United we stand, divided we fall.” It is a biblical truth that we are stronger together, than divided over personal and petty agendas (Proverbs 6:16-19, Ecclesiastes 4:12.)
God intended for His people to be different and separated from the world, but united in our devotion and service to Him over everything else (Deuteronomy 14:2.) That is why we serve a God Who yāḥaḏs!