Bartering: A Dynamic Feminine Practice

Bartering: A Dynamic Feminine Practice January 20, 2025

Women's Friendships
        The Strength of Women’s Friendships


Barter: to trade by exchanging one commodity for another.

Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary


Bartering. If you’re a woman, then you’ve done it. Guaranteed. The very term conjures up some interesting and colorful scenes in our minds. Think back to early days of our country’s history when money was scarce (er), what did women do? They traded one commodity for another. One’s own valued item for someone else’s. Whether it was a chicken or its eggs, a cow or its milk, women instinctively understood the importance of bartering both wisely and prudently.

Bartering Is One Woman Caring For Another

It would never do to simply give away one’s treasures without also receiving something by way of return.  If a woman was careful and conscientious, she would walk away feeling encouraged and uplifted. By day’s end, both participants were recipients, more important, both were gainers.

Meet The Needs Of Others

If on the other hand, you had specific need, be it material, emotional, or spiritual, and no one with which to make a connection…. for direction, for guidance; then you’d end up in dire straits. Periodically stranded, isolated, or emotionally adrift, it’s no wonder women have found sure comfort in the company of their fellows. Who better to commiserate with over the silent pains of relationships gone awry? Career detours or even job elimination? Health or financial throwbacks?

Women Are Natural At Bartering

It is here, in these common-life seasons of sorrow where women’s innate instinct to reach out shine brightest. One word of caution, a giver’s mentality is a “given” in the world of bartering. Whatever the circumstance, bartering is the means to mutual constancy, strength, support, and a camaraderie that knits one female to another. As women, we live lives of intersection. And not only were we born to become experts at it, we are blessed because of it.


Constructive Communication: Where Bartering Begins

  • Build a relationship by looking for opportunities to gently enter another woman’s world. Look for common interests, goals, or similarities. Start with simple gestures of kindness and as trust slowly builds allow the friendship to take on a life of its own.
  • Accept others, as you would like to be accepted, unconditionally. Realize that affirming another person’s value doesn’t equate to agreeing with all her choices.
  • Respect the fact that two people will never agree on every issue. Develop an active listening mentality; be proactive in attuning yourself to truly hearing what someone else is saying. Seek to understand the struggles in her world.
  • Tell friends the truth. Speak constructive words that are going somewhere, intent on a specific purpose or outcome, yet tempered by grace. Remember the power words wield, never heavy-hand another woman with this tool to simply make a point.
  • Exercise a “what are the possibilities not the limitations” mentality. Encourage a forward movement mindset and pass it on. Refuse to stagnate in a specific place, position or circumstance (cheer your friends to the same end).
  • Responsibly consider making suggestions (and offer tangible help to make changes happen) for a more healthy life spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Encourage decisions that bring life and wellness to your friend and walk alongside her, applauding her efforts day by day.




About Michele Howe
Michele Howe is the author of 29 books for women, children and families. She has published over 3000 articles, reviews, and curriculum. Read more about the value and importance of godly female friendships in Michele's book, Navigating the Friendship Maze. You can read more about the author here.
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