January 29, 2025

When marveling at the beauty and symbolism of mountains, I like to think of them as places of heaven touching earth. Thinking of our Savior’s life on this earth, I am reminded of this sacred connection. Time with His Father  Jesus went to the mountains to spend time with His Father, in places and at times when They would not be disturbed. We find in the New Testament times when He sought this particular closeness. Jesus went to be in... Read more

January 22, 2025

By David Wunderli In making decisions, “What am I going to do?” is the first consideration for many. How rarely do we ask why we need or want to do something, to guide us in a possibly overwhelming number of choices. Bless Not Impress  The motto “seek to bless not impress” has been quoted in contexts ranging from athletics to religious leadership. For me it has been a  behavioral litmus test throughout my adult life. Unfortunately, the natural man in... Read more

January 15, 2025

Many assume that miracles are rare, seldom happening to us personally. We may fail to recognize the everyday miracles constantly occurring in our lives. I challenge you to think about the past 24 hours. In my experience, continual everyday miracles occur in our lives that we easily miss if we are looking through the wrong eyes. A Moving Miracle From one of those everyday miracles that bless us, I live with my family in Florida today. It would have been... Read more

January 8, 2025

Brad Wilcox said it best: “Don’t let the world change you when you were born to change the world.” In choosing goals for the new year, focus on blessed changes that will give your life more meaning and direction. Resolutions As your New Year’s resolution list starts to grow, what would happen if you did 2025 differently? Instead of focusing on all the flaws you think need fixing, what about approaching growth for this new year with what you have... Read more

January 2, 2025

After their time with the child Jesus, the Wise Men were told to return east by “another way” (Matthew 2:12) to avoid Herod’s evil intent. We may compare this event to the infinite atonement Jesus was to make, enabling all of us to repent and return to our eternal home in another way than the destroyer’s plan. Invitation to Another Way As we completed our blessings as mission leaders in Santiago, Chile, we thought about the invitation we continually extended... Read more

December 26, 2024

“Joy to the world the the Lord is come. Let earth receive her king.” We’ve loved singing this carol as we’ve celebrated the birth of the precious Christ child. Keep singing it. Its true meaning extends our devoted reverence A Song of Joys Joy to the World was written by Isaac Watts in 1719.  He was an English minister who is now recognized as one of the greatest of hymn writers. He did not intend Joy to the World as... Read more

December 18, 2024

Many people seem to be a little rough around the edges. We can easily misjudge them if we fail to look for the spirit within—the goodness, compassion, and love they have waiting to share with others. Classic Carol Perhaps the best-known outward-inward discrepancy is Ebenezer Scrooge from Charles Dickens’s classic A Christmas Carol. “Carol” is a song of joy, often applied to songs celebrating the Savior’s birth—so the book is well named despite being a book rather than a song... Read more

December 4, 2024

The real Christmas story did not begin with shepherds and a manger. It began in the depths of eternity, when  this earth was in its planning stages. It required perfect preparation including Jesus Christ and one who was to come immediately before Him to provide doctrine and followers on whom His work could be based. “Can one possibly imagine John the Baptist without Jesus? What would the Savior’s mission have been like without the preparatory work performed by John?” asked... Read more

November 27, 2024

Recently reflecting on the word devotion, I was moved with gratitude for my experiences as a devoted follower, which have genuinely informed my divine desire for discipleship. Commitment of Devoted Follower Whether from participating in Sunday services, studying scriptures daily with sacred focus, or serving in temples, our religious dedication consecrates the steadfastness of a soul. In a world where religious observance and commitment are often ridiculed and mocked, walking in our faith with full fidelity connects us with heaven,... Read more

November 20, 2024

At a crucial time I had left one lifestyle and one identity—willingly and joyfully. I was sure I would not miss the first. But I had to go through a challenge of conflicting lives before the change could be complete. My husband and I had been called as mission leaders in Chile, and I loved being a missionary for Jesus Christ. I had longed for a full-time mission my entire life. I often reminded myself of the Lord’s promise to... Read more

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