January 15, 2025

Jesus Christ’s parable of the wheat and tares provides such a curious visual representation of the last days.  The sower sows a field of wheat. At night, an enemy creeps in and sows tares among the wheat.  Rather than risk injuring the young wheat, the sower allows the wheat and tares to grow together. At harvest time, wheat is easily distinguishable from tares.  Wheat matures to a golden color, with upright, long, narrow leaves, strong stalks, and large and plump... Read more

December 22, 2024

“I feel prompted to tell you that it will be okay.” Rex Ashcroft crossed the room in the temple to tell me that.  It was Tuesday, November 26th, Thanksgiving week.  We were both serving as ordinance workers.  My parents and sister’s family had already come to town and were in the temple that night.  I felt some stress about entertaining 20 people at our house that week but didn’t think the Lord needed to send a messenger for that. Did... Read more

December 22, 2024

On Wednesday, December 11th, Anthony burst into the bedroom shouting, “Delisa, wake up. The house is on fire!” House Fire! Anthony had been sitting at his desk ready to leave for work and heard a loud PoP. He thought a transformer blew and went outside to investigate. He has supersonic smell and noticed a smoke smell. He didn’t see anything up or down the street, but as he turned around to come back into our house, he saw smoke billowing from... Read more

December 13, 2024

Have you seen the Giving Machines this year? They’re back! Giving Machines became available in November in various locations throughout the world and online. Sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as part of its Light the World initiative, Giving Machines provide tangible ways to contribute to the health and happiness of others to anyone who’d like to impact their global community. Giving Machines are humanitarian aid vending machines.  They’re fantastic!  The Church of Jesus Christ defrays... Read more

November 29, 2024

During my Come, Follow Me study, an unexpected verse stuck out to me.  It seemed pretty inconsequential in previous readings—like a pass-through detail.  But in our current political climate’s divisive upheaval and thinking of President Nelson’s call to prepare now for the Savior’s Second Coming, the verse suddenly felt significant.  It felt like a latter-day call to gather to war or to God. Gathering to War The Book of Mormon recalls the Nephites and Lamanites’ final civil war battles. The... Read more

November 27, 2024

The scriptures relate many harrowing tales that I digest while sitting comfortably on my couch—stories of trusting God through wars, shipwrecks, lions’ den, fiery furnaces, fiery deaths, betrayals, rejections, apocalypse, death. One harrowing tale, like many others, is actually a story of covenant redemption.  I honestly hadn’t considered it a harrowing tale until the Holy Ghost taught me how it related to me. Following the Lord’s direction and commandment, Jared and his group traveled from the tower of Babel to... Read more

November 9, 2024

Repeatedly reminded by prophetic voices over the past year that the Book of Mormon, written for our day, is a witness and warning, I decided to track the reign of chief judges to watch for governmental strength and weakness. I learned that freedom was constantly under fire by power-hungry opponents.  The insatiable quest for power and authority caused the ultimate devolution of the Nephite government and complete destruction of its civilization. The Reign of Chief Judges Mosiah changed the system... Read more

October 29, 2024

After Jesus first ministered to the people in 3 Nephi (11-26), His disciples journeyed to preach His word throughout the land.  3 Nephi 27:1 records that while journeying and preaching, “the disciples were gathered together and were united in mighty prayer and fasting.” Then Jesus again showed himself unto them, for they were praying unto the Father in his name; and Jesus came and stood in the midst of them, and said unto them: What will ye that I shall give unto you? Mighty prayer... Read more

October 28, 2024

When I was little, my family lived on a farm in southeastern Arizona. One day, my brother and I left the house on a quest, aka a little walk “around” the farm. I wasn’t quite five, and Donovan wasn’t quite two. We didn’t move quickly or very far down the dirt road in the hot sun before our little bodies needed a rest. We found a nice little dirt mound by the side of the road and sat down. Within... Read more

October 22, 2024

Such then is our need for a Redeemer For a few moments, as we contemplate our need for a Redeemer and Jesus Christ’s suffering for each of us, I hope we can feel the Spirit giving hope and peace to our hearts and understand even more deeply how to know and worship our Savior. Before we came to earth, we lived as spirit children with our Heavenly Parents.  Our Heavenly Father wanted us to be able to progress and become... Read more

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