Everyone is Lying to You

Everyone is Lying to You October 28, 2024

In 1961 at a stake conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, Joseph Fielding Smith, then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had this to say about space travel:

We will never get a man into space. This earth is man’s sphere and it was never intended that he should get away from it. The moon is a superior planet to the earth and it was never intended that man should go there. You can write it down in your books that this will never happen.

This article isn’t really about space travel. Neither is it about prophesies, whether fulfilled or false.

I’m going to talk to you about this one fact: EVERYONE IS LYING TO YOU!

That may sound very pessimistic and critical of the entire human family, but as you think about your interactions with people ranging from your close associates and family to the salesman at the used car lot who’s sole objective is to get you to buy the car that will get him the biggest check to the myriad narratives that find their ways through society to control you and the rest of us, you may already be convinced. If not, let’s take a look at what’s at stake if we don’t understand the extent to which we’re being lied to and if we’re not able to defend ourselves against the countless lies and falsehoods we encounter.

God Vs Satan: Truth Teller Versus Liar

We know that God and Satan are on opposite ends of the spectrum of good and evil.

God’s attributes are good, worthy of emulation, and bring happiness.

Satan’s attributes, conversely, are evil. His way of doing things, his motivations, his personality should be eschewed with valiant effort. The ultimate result of becoming like Satan is infinite failure and misery.

Likely the easiest lens through which to view the goodness of God compared to the destructiveness of His antithesis is that of each of their approaches to truthfulness.

Satan: Father of Lies

The Book of Mormon prophet Jacob refers to Satan as “the father of all lies” (2 Nephi 2:18) as he describes the devil’s deceptive manipulation of Eve in the Garden of Eden, where he kicked off his efforts to achieve “the misery of all mankind” beginning with their separation from God caused by the Fall.

And because he had fallen from heaven, and had become miserable forever, he sought also the misery of all mankind. Wherefore, he said unto Eve, yea, even that old serpent, who is the devil, who is the father of all lies, wherefore he said: Partake of the forbidden fruit, and ye shall not die, but ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil.

2 Nephi 2:18

Jesus, having experienced early in his ministry Satan’s direct attempts at using deceptive temptations to undermine his critical mission for mankind, later referred to the devil as having “no truth in him…he is a liar, and the father of it” (John 8:44) as he defended himself against the Pharisees’ accusations that he was lying about his role as “the light of the world” (John 8:12).

God Cannot Lie

On the other hand, the scriptures are clear that God cannot lie. If he did, he would cease to be in harmony with eternal law, and he would fall from his station as the perfect Father who ultimately manages our affairs and who deserves the worship of his billions upon billions of offspring.

There are many scriptures throughout the standard works that assert that God does not and indeed cannot lie, undeviating honesty being an attribute of his perfection. Here are a few of them.

And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.1 Samuel 15:29

That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:  – Hebrews 6:18

Behold, I, the Lord, have brought you together that the promise might be fulfilled, that the faithful among you should be preserved and rejoice together in the land of Missouri. I, the Lord, promise the faithful and cannot lie.Doctrine and Covenants 62:6

What is True, What is False, Who is Telling the Truth, Who is Lying

One of the most critical skills we must develop during our mortal life is the ability to tell what is true and what is not. We came into this life having been given a set of tools to help with that, including our senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Coordinating these senses is a brain with cognitive abilities that include intellectual discernment, rationale, and an ever growing treasure chest full of experiences, reactions, conclusions, and other factors that create the perspective with which we view the world.

One of the most critical skills we must develop during our mortal life is the ability to tell what is true and what is not.

Closely related to the concept of what is true and what is false is figuring out who is lying, and who is telling the truth, who we can trust, and whose words should be considered suspect.

Section 93 of the Doctrine Covenants provides a great definition of truth:

And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come;D&C 93:24

Jacob’s explanation of how the Holy Ghost communicates truth to us reinforces that explanation: “…the Spirit speaketh the truth and lieth not. Wherefore, it speaketh of things as they really are, and of things as they really will be…” (Jacob 4:13) So, in addition to our physical senses, we came into this world equipped with spiritual power and discernment in the form of soul that can communicate with one of the omniscient members of the Godhead: the Holy Ghost.

Throughout their entire lives, all mankind (aside from those who have been evil enough to make themselves past feeling) has access to the influence of the Holy Ghost. When a person is baptized and confirmed a member of the Savior’s church, his access to the Holy Ghost is increased by receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

With these tools (our physical senses, our cognitive abilities, and access to the Holy Ghost), we are equipped to take on falsehoods and become increasingly adept at figuring out what is truth and what is a lie.

Why Can’t We Tell What’s a Lie?

This world tends to be very complicated. For instance the human body is made up of so many complicated systems (most of them beyond our mortal understanding) that interact with each other so dynamically that it can be difficult to figure out what the ultimate causes are for a particular chronic disease. Instead of changing their diet and being intentional about aspects of their life that need to be fixed, like exercise and sleep habits, modern society has been trained to seek out a pharmaceutical product as an easy and immediate remedy. They don’t understand that pharmaceutical products aren’t designed to make any person healthy or well. They’re designed to make them dependent.

It’s hard for most ordinary people to connect many of the outcomes that happen in their lives with the things that cause those outcomes. A big part of that has to do with an intentional dumbing down of our society using television, media, and the public school system, where students are intentionally taught how to stop thinking critically and to simply regurgitate what the powers that be want them to believe so they can be “rewarded” with good grades and more opportunity.

Years ago Saturday Night Live, in a sketch with Steve Martin and Amy Poehler called “Don’t Buy Stuff“, illustrated this point with a funny indictment of modern thinking (of lack thereof). The skit makes fun of the fact that a majority of Americans can’t understand why they struggle with debt, and they aren’t intelligent enough to figure out that their problems come from buying things they can’t afford.

Society’s “Experts”

Over the past hundred years or so, our society has willingly handed over more and more influence over what information and ideas are considered reputable to a handful of “experts”, people who have apparently done what’s necessary in the modern corrupt system of government, health care, education, and other aspects of society to be designated the sole possessors of trustworthy information about any topic.

To perfectly illustrate this point, I’ll just mention just one name: Tony Fauci. You get it.

You might be interested in learning how the entire education system in the United States was radicalized by progressive “experts”. For those details, I’d recommend listening to podcast episode 4 from “The Beck Story: Control Freaks in History”

You Versus The Experts

This rise of so-called experts (your doctor is probably one of these, as is your child’s college professor, etc.) has made it so that most people are frightened into staying in their lane, deferring to experts for any decision that could require any amount of specialization.

Every single day each of us gains infinitely valuable experience. Whether it be our observation of a sunrise or sunset, our casual or deliberate interactions with other people, observing how we feel after eating something, or the hundreds of lessons that come to us each and every day through the use of our physical and spiritual senses, we’re building up a trove of information that gives each of us the credentials to be our own expert. To be better at not falling for lies, we must lock in that personal experience and not be so quick to abandon it.

When we so easily defer to society’s perspectives and dismiss our own personal experience and the Holy Ghost’s confirmation or correction of what we have learned through those experiences in favor of what the knuckleheaded experts insist is right, we make ourselves susceptible to their lies.

To better understand how the situations I describe below are even possible, I’d recommend reading my article about why Latter-day Saints should know about conspiracies.

What Are They Lying About?

It is impossible to figure out the exact motives for each of those who are involved in the widespread lies I’m about to share with you that have formed the shaky foundation for our society, not just in America, but throughout the world in this modern era where everyone on the planet is so closely connected. However, knowing that there is plenty of evidence of that we’ve been lied to about each of these things (among so many others) should be enough to motivate you to start questioning how the world in which you live came to be.

The COVID “Pandemic” and a “Safe and Effective” Vaccine Solution

Our world changed in a major way in 2020. I was planning to go on a trip to Shanghai with my two oldest kids in early February 2020. In January 2020, leading up to the time we were scheduled to fly from where we lived in the Nashville area to Shanghai, one of my friends who we were going to visit warned me that our trip would likely be canceled because, “some stupid person ate a bat and spread a virus to humans.”

Understanding something about how the immune system works, knowing that my kids and I live a healthy lifestyle, and not being too worried about a sickness being hyped in Wuhan, China, we continued planning to take our trip. Then, within a couple weeks of our scheduled flight, American Airlines canceled the flight, stating that it was too big a risk to fly people to China considering the virus situation there.

Something about what was going on smelled VERY FISHY! Was there really that big a threat, or had the entire world lost its mind because of a narrative being pushed?

While doing some research on the virus and trying to understand what the actual threat was (not what the media and government wanted everyone to perceive), I came across the video below, where Dr Ana-Maria Temple gave some very wise advice about how to deal with this “Coronavirus”: stop eating so much sugar, and eat more vegetables!

Dr Temple’s take made sense to me. Especially for those who trusted God and his plan for keeping people healthy, prosperous, etc. – which involves living a righteous life that allows for discernment and consuming the “many plants and roots which God had prepared to remove the cause of diseases” (Alma 46:40) – there was nothing to fear. If there was some unusual sickness making its way around the world, exercising a little more discipline about eating, sleeping, exercising, and other health habits would mitigate any potential threat.

But as 2020 moved forward, it became clear to anyone with a hint of discernment that some group of people had an objective to be achieved at all costs, and they had in place the people they needed in government, healthcare, and the education system to get done what they wanted. Like many who were paying attention to what was happening, I was blown away as March of 2020 saw the NCAA basketball tournament canceled. The college baseball season was canceled as was half of Major League Baseball. Local governments enforced a social distancing policy that required wearing cloth masks in stores and people remaining at least six feet from each other.

As I looked around at all of the simpletons who blithely went along with these policies, not realizing that what was happening was the intentional, systematic dismantling of their freedoms, I often found myself bewildered at how incapable humans who are kept in fear become at discerning truth from lies.

There never was any legitimate way to determine whether a person had this mystery “virus”, which ended up being just serious  enough that you had to go take a test to determine whether you actually had it. If you tested positive, you were subjected to contact tracing, which meant that anyone whose physical presence you ever thought about being in was also a suspect.

The PCR test used to tally “cases” of the disease was less accurate than flipping a coin. People with no symptoms of sickness were testing “positive”. Incentives were being given by the federal government for hospitals and healthcare providers to run “death” protocols that took patients who were not very sick and proceeded to, with the help of Remdesivir and ventilators, effectively end their lives. Despite all the evidence that COVID-19 was a concocted narrative, the people who were perpetuating the lie were clearly more powerful that those of us who knew they were lying and tried to push back.

One of the biggest surprises for me and lots of fellow Latter-day Saints I’ve talked to about this unfortunate situation is that our own church leaders were at best willfully ignorant about the lies involved with COVID-19, and at worst were complicit with them. There followed a massive loss of trust by some of the most faithful Latter-day Saints towards those who they previously had seen as the Lord’s watchmen on the tower. I have personally seen many individuals and families who have either left the Church or who are now feeling marginalized and wondering what the future holds for them as they can no longer sustain a group of men who knowingly lied to them about something so critical.

Those of us who discerned the truth about what was happening with COVID-19 were motivated to dig deep on other major narratives that inform how society operates. Even for people who have historically been pro-vaccine, the relentless “safe and effective” pounding drum beat for a shot that has turned out to be neither of those things started raising suspicion about the whole vaccine industry.

With that introduction, let’s talk about vaccines.


The entire premise of vaccines is a lie. God created each of his children with an immune system that was sufficient for keeping us healthy, unless we treat our bodies poorly.

Contrary to government’s and Rockefeller healthcare’s death grip on the information and perspective we’re “allowed” towards vaccines (i.e. that they’re necessary for survival), vaccines do nothing to improve health, and they do a lot to destroy it. Getting vaccinated isn’t a matter of choosing the lesser evil (being sick versus getting vaccine injured), it’s simply a mechanism to make society sicker, more dependent upon pharmaceutical medication.

Here’s how I know that…

From a doctrinal perspective, follow this thought process. God created us with an immune system designed to help us fight off things that cause sickness. He knew what he was doing. Looking at vaccines and their impact through a spiritual lens, it is clear that the commitment of modern society to vaccines is a form of idolatry. We have replaced a belief in the healing power of Jesus Christ with the worship of a product made in a chemical laboratory that includes parts of aborted children.

From a more secular rationale, follow this logic.

Anyone who has watched an advertisement for a pharmaceutical drug should find himself wondering something like this, “If the side effects of Accutane [a drug used to treat acne] include mental illness, suicidal thoughts, birth defects, liver damage, etc., how could those same people come up with a shot designed to trick a person’s immune system and have that be safe?” There are thousands of other drugs and side effects that can be used to prove the same point. The answer to that question, as we’ve found out over the past few years specifically with the COVID-19 vaccine (which has wreaked havoc on millions of people since it was released) is this: these people are lying to you!

The vaccine industry has been extremely suspect for decades, especially as extensive public efforts have been made to hide injuries from vaccines even from moms and dads who have taken their kids to a wellness check with a doctor (who typically is incentivized financially without regard to the actual health of a patient…see the image below) only to have their children permanently injured or dead, sometimes within hours. Rockefeller medicine even invented a new mysterious disease (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS) as a smokescreen for the deaths they have inflicted upon millions of children.

Those of us who have had children injured by vaccines (I have several kids who fall into that category) and who have been humble enough to recognize that we made mistakes by ignoring our better judgment in favor of making sure we were in line with what nefarious people thought was best for our children have fully awakened to the lie.

Let me inroduce you to Del Bigtree’s presentation, The Irrefutable Argument Against Vaccine Safety  I’ve watched it a few times over the years, but it has been almost entirely scrubbed from the Internet, including being pulled down from YouTube, and even from the Web Archive. However, I was able to find it on Rumble. This videos provides a great foundation for understanding the lies associated with the vaccine industry. As the title of the video implies, the evidence is irrefutable.

Fearful Medical Providers Become Purveyors of Falsehoods

At an emergency preparedness activity I attended in the past couple years, I mentioned something during my dutch oven presentation to a group of people about the corruption that people have increasingly witnessed in the medical field. I mentioned that the healthcare industry was permeated with the secret combinations described in The Book of Mormon.

After the class was over, I noticed a woman patiently waiting until I’d finished chatting with other class participants who had lingered so she could talk to me privately. When the others had left the pavilion where the class had taken place, she asked me to explain to her the specifics of what I was referring to in my earlier comments. For the next half hour, I talked to her about the lies and corruption that many of us preppers and others have observed in the government and throughout the medical industry.

As we wrapped up the conversation, she embarrassingly admitted something to me that her husband had just finished his residency, and that as a couple with young children they were happy to start making really good money. However, during the COVID insanity of 2020 and the following year, she felt inspired to take a deeper look at the industry that her husband had spent many years mastering. As she did, the foundation of that career, including the hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt that commitment included, began to crack. Her natural discernment, her experiences with people who had been harmed by Rockefeller medicine, and her evaluation of lots of pieces of data that looked like smoking guns made her think that they had, as a couple, made a mistake in their decision about the occupation they had chosen to provide for their family.

Here’s where this story gets much more interesting. When this woman began to bring up these concerns to her husband, wondering whether the career her husband was entering would be doing more harm than good for people, he reminded her of what the financial results would be if he chose to change course. He told her, “You’re welcome to research those things, but you have to keep them to yourself. I can’t know about it!”

Wow. As much as I want to empathize for this couple’s situation and the difficulty that would be involved in essentially “repenting” of becoming a part of the problem, the right thing to do once any person makes this kind of realization is to change course.

Imagine going to a physician with the understanding that he is trying to help you or your loved one be healthier only to figure out that this expert doesn’t actually believe in what he’s telling you. Imagine learning that the protocols he’s using for diagnosis and for treatment comes from a position of disingenuity, that the doctor’s advice ultimately is motivated by his fear that if he goes against the powers who make the rules that ultimately end up as a paycheck (most of which would go towards setting him free from debt), that he would be cancelled and ruined.

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Calley and Casey Means, entitled “How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick” reminded me of this discussion. If you have a couple of hours to hear the reasons why a Standford-educated surgeon (Casey) and a pharmaceutical lobbyist (Calley) decided to do an about face on their support of the current medical industry, it’s definitely worth a listen.

Up and coming doctors incur huge amounts of debt to be part of the club. That debt represents the cost of their rite of passage into a corrupt healthcare system for which they are expected (under intense pressure) to continue to perpetuate the lies about what does and does not make a person healthy.


The 9/11 World Trade Center Attacks

September 11, 2001 was a tragedy. I remember waking up that morning and being shocked by what was happening. My brother had turned on the news for some reason before he went off to work – something he had never done before. All over the news were reports that an airplane had hit one of the towers of the World Trade Center. Shortly after I started watching the news, it was reported that a second plane had hit the other tower.

Our nation was clearly under attack. But by whom?

The publicly accepted narrative of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks defies basic logic, besides ignoring basic principles of  physics. In order to believe what we have been told about what happened in Manhattan on September 11, 2001, we have to suspend our own judgment about how reality works in favor of “experts” who have told our society what to think.

According to the narrative, 19 terrorists hijacked planes that were able to penetrate the nation’s most fortified building, the Pentagon, and knock down two of the world’s strongest skyscrapers. Yet, the Twin Towers, engineered to withstand impacts from modern jets, collapsed in what were clearly controlled demolitions. We have been expected to believe that lightweight aluminum airplane wings, which are far weaker than the Twin Towers’ 14-inch steel beams, somehow sliced through the buildings as if through butter.

Building 7 was never hit by an airplane (the Twin Towers were likely not either, by the way), yet it fell to the ground similar to the two other buildings. The explanation that we’re supposed to accept without question about that incident is that Building 7 had been weakened by a fire.

It is interesting to note that suspicions voiced by BYU professor Steven Jones about the use of nano-thermite explosives to take down the three buildings of 9/11 resulted in his placement on administrative leave. BYU cited concerns that his research and public statements were impacting the university’s reputation. As with the doctors referenced above in the medical example, whose fear of man make them guilty of lying about healthcare, this example demonstrates that the authorities at BYU were less interested in the truth about what actually happened than they are about not getting crossways with those who are powerful enough to lie about what they did without fear of being found out.

For anyone with a hint of discernment, it’s obvious that what we’ve been told for over 20 years about the events that we memorialize each September are lies.

Faked Moon Landing

I started out this article talking about Joseph Fielding Smith’s statement in 1961 about the inability of mankind to travel into space. Nine years later, when he became the president of the Church, he admitted that he was wrong about his earlier statement.

But was he wrong?

We’ve been told for decades that NASA sent a spacecraft to the moon six times between 1969 and 1972, after which time they stopped going to the moon, not because it was boring or because we lost interest.

Donald Pettit, a NASA astronaut who supposedly has been in space for more than 161 days, said in response to the question about why we don’t send people to the moon anymore, “we don’t have the technology to do that anymore…we destroyed that technology, and it’s a painful process to build it back again.”

I’d go to the moon in a nanosecond. The problem is we don‘t have the technology to do that anymore. We used to, but we destroyed that technology, and it’s a painful process to build it back again.

– Donald Pettit, NASA astronaut

A recently released movie entitled “Fly Me To The Moon” portrays the filming of a fake moon landing. The idea the creators of the movie are trying to convey is that, yes, we did film a fake moon landing, but it was just done in case the film from the actual moon landing didn’t work out. At least the revelation about the Hollywood connection to space travel gives us more context to the lyrics from the Red Hot Chili Peppers that go like this: “Space may be the final frontier, but it’s made in a Hollywood basement.”

Have humans indeed progressed so far that we have figured out how to leave the “sphere” of our existence to set foot on the moon?

The answer is NO!

There are plenty of documentaries that pick apart the idea that we landed on the moon. One of the most entertaining and convincing that I’ve seen is a Rumble video (YouTube tends to censor and remove most moon landing hoax videos) entitled The Moon Landing: Stanley Kubrick’s Greatest Film | How NASA and Hollywood Fooled the World.

The Nature of Our Planet

I’ve wondered why it is that Latter-day Saints and other Bible believers are either ignorant of what the Bible says about the earth’s creation and its relationship to the sun, the moon, and the stars, or they subconsciously concede to the “experts”, whose role it is to tell the rest of us what we should believe about the earth and its relationship to our “solar system”.

In the Genesis account of the creation of this world, the earth is clearly created first (Genesis 1:1-13), with the first three days  of our planet’s existence spent having the dry land appear and being decorated with grass and trees. Not until the fourth day of the creation are the sun, moon, and stars created and put into their places into the firmament, which was understood to be a dome that covers the earth (Genesis 1:14-19). This creation account sequence and logistical explanation is confirmed for Latter-day Saints in modern books of scripture. The creation accounts in the Book of Moses and in the Book of Abraham in the Pearl of Great Price concur with the explanation provided in Genesis 1.

Firmament as understood in the Bible.
The Wikipedia entry for “Firmament” includes a graphical representation of “biblical cosmology”.

Despite this scriptural evidence, religious scientists still find it within themselves to accept the idea that the sun is 93 million miles away, and that, despite our own observations to the contrary, we live on a spinning ball where water somehow clings to the surface despite being subjected to a massive centrifugal force outward.

When we look at the explanations of what’s happening in our solar system, much of it simply doesn’t make sense. However, we’ve been conditioned to trust the experts so much that most of us don’t even think twice what they’ve told us.

Similar to the moon landing, it looks like there have been lies stacked upon lies to back up the model of a solar system that we’re taught from our childhood up. We’ve been inundated with blue marble pictures of the earth that are inconsistent from year to year. When we ask about why, we find out that there are no pictures of the earth from space, but CGI composite renderings.

NASA Blue Marble CGI Renderings of Earth from Space

Why Are They Lying?

I remember listening to one of the young women in my ward several years ago sharing some of her faith struggles that came because what she was being taught at school didn’t reconcile with her beliefs as a Latter-day Saint. She wondered why the scriptures teach that the earth is only 6,000 years old when scientists assert that the earth is over billion years old. Her science and other secular classes were causing her to lose her testimony of fundamental gospel principles.

The reason our world is lying to us is similar to why the scriptures assert about Satan’s lies. They want control. They want to remove our agency and make us mindless, unthinking slaves. They want to keep us from fulfilling our potential as offspring of God. The powers that be in this mortal world want us to be miserable like Satan and his followers.

It is our collective responsibility to dig deeper to increase our ability to discern truth from lies. God is the source of all truth. No mortal man has lived his life without telling lies to one degree or another. To protect ourselves from the lies, we must put in the effort to understand our daily experiences as much as possible through God’s perspective. When he speaks, we have to be willing to listen and obey. Otherwise, we will continue to be deceived.

As the world moves closer to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, we can lean on the hope that he provided in this statement:

For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.

Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

– Luke 12:2-3

Like other seekers of truth, I look forward to that day when all things that are hidden become revealed and made known to the common man.

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