Musk’s Nazi Salute Looked Like a Signal to Nazis Worldwide

Musk’s Nazi Salute Looked Like a Signal to Nazis Worldwide January 27, 2025

Elon Musk, giving Nazi salute at Trump inauguration, Jan 20, 2025. screenshot, copyright Rebecca Hamilton. All Rights Reserved.

Elon Musk gave a straight up Nazi salute at last Monday’s presidential inauguration. True to MAGA form, he then said it was something else … a “Roman salute” or some other inanity. That’s just their standard lying. 

They do it to give their whore preachers and MAGA faithful an “out.” That way they can say, “He didn’t mean it. He just says that. It wasn’t really a Nazi salute,” — and all the rest of the ridiculous lying that Trump’s followers use to excuse themselves to themselves for aiding, abetting, supporting and empowering satanic evil. 

But truth, stripped of absolutely idiotic and facile lies, is that Musk gave a clear, aggressive, heartfelt and meant Nazi salute at the inauguration and everybody in the MAGA u-verse, including Trump by his bland silence, backed him in it. 

Why did he do it? A friend of mine said Musk was “trolling” the public. I don’t think so. I think he was signaling. Neo Nazi groups have been voicing their anger at what they felt was a lack of love from Trump after they helped get him re-elected. Nick Fuentes, head of one of America’s most prominent Neo Nazi organizations, made the comment that Trump’s post election attitude was “Thanks for the votes, now go f—- yourself.” 

I think Musk was signaling Neo Nazis here in America and all over the world to “stand by.” Based on news reports, they got the message. 

The facts are that Musk has a history of Nazi-like support. This is nothing new for him. 

He is right now backing an American regime that has plans to put millions of people in “internment” camps which will almost certainly be run with government money by “privatized” ie, corporate billionaires for profit. This presidency is fully and openly backed and supported by Neo Nazis and present-day Brown Shirts like the Proud Boys. 

Trump takes Nazi support seriously enough that the man who bought both him and our country signaled them that all was well for them at his inauguration. Think about that. Musk gave a Nazi salute to signal American Nazis that they were in good with the big guy at the Inauguration of the American president. And all the little whore preachers, priests and bishops, and all the little MAGA said, “Give me a break. It wasn’t a real Nazi salute. It was a Roman salute. Besides, Musk has Aspergers.”

This is evil folks. It is totally, completely, obviously satanic. 

You can go to mass every single day. You can refuse birth control, drop to your knees when you take communion on the tongue, wear white veils down to your waist at mass, and pray the complete Rosary four times a day. If you abet and follow evil of this deep satanic nature, you will still go to hell. 

I am not really writing this for the brain-dead and blind who refuse to see this for what it is. I pray for you. You are in deep peril. I also pray for Trump, Elon Musk and all these poor, doomed people. They think they are lords of the universe, and they are just walking scum under satan’s thumb. He’ll use them until he can’t use them any more. Then, just like he did with all the others who have served him, he’ll leave them to their fate. 

I am writing this for the 75 million who opposed this and tried to stop it. I want the Christians among you to know one simple thing: These clergy, including Catholic clergy who have backed this movement and put it in power are not following Christ. They are not Christ’s voice in this world. They are Trump’s whores. 

Don’t let them come between you and the Living Christ. These same people in a different time murdered Him. 

Follow Christ and Him crucified. 

Stand up for what is right and decent, honest and true. 

And do not be afraid. 

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