I am excited to bring you the next Interview with a Water Priestess! This time it is with Catharine Robinette who just published her first book on water. It is called Heal the Water and is a guidebook on using energy to heal and protect the sacred Waters of our Planet! I was so honored to write the forward for this book! You can find the previous Water Priestess Interview Here
Who Are You and How Do You Practice?
My name is Catharine Robinette. I live in the United States and I currently reside in Michigan. I have lived here for 8 years now. My soul feels at peace here. A true soul connection with this state is embodied by water. I often like to describe myself as a mermaid at times- I feel as if I may have been one in a past life. At other times I identify as a Selkie – who has been trapped on land for far too long and I yearn to return to the sea.
Tell Us About Your Background and Any Training You May Have Done For This Role.

I am a solitary creature by nature for the most part- so naturally I am a practitioner who travels alone on her path. However, I do my best not to let that get in my way when I need to partake in a ceremony or a ritual for water healing purposes.Except for those few special people I do enjoy being alone- it is much easier to communicate with our mother water when we can sit in contemplative silence and attune ourselves to what she is attempting to teach me. I have been slowly working with Annwyn through her Water Priestess Training- but life does seem a bit chaotic, and I feel as if I am being pulled in so many different directions.
I am devoted to Celtic paganism, Druidry, and mostly water witchcraft. My adult life has been a stream of raindrops- I have followed a long path toward healing myself from illnesses and negative energy. I spent a long time learning many energy-based healing modalities such as Reiki, Reflexology, Chakra Work, Ayurveda, Yoga & other Metaphysical topics. I have spent some time working towards advocating for the massive amount of water pollution that we humans have managed to create.
What Is Your Path and How Does It Relate to Your Water Caretaking?
My path is one of healing, water magic and education. I am fond of water scrying, water blessings, crafting holy water or collecting them from various wells. In addition, I enjoy offering energy-based healing to our waters through high vibrations, positivity and love. I identify as healer, caretaker, witch, and priestess.
What Brought You To This Sacred Water Path?
I believe that the water eventually brought me to where I am in my life right now. When I was younger, I used to run to the river near my childhood home whenever life got tough- and it did a lot for me. I would go down to watch the water flow by, the frogs croaking, the fish swimming, and the natural noises that only a moving body of water can make. I would walk across the rocks and collect treasures that I had discovered. I felt at peace, in a meditative trance, to be by that space that was special to me for so many years. I was fixated by that river, it was my best friend. I did not have a pagan or spiritual home life or background – I came to this path on my own because it reflected who I was and still am on the inside. Of course, I am always evolving, however. Eventually, this path became more spiritual as I evolved and learned more about myself. When I was diagnosed with a terminal illness I dove deeply into energy-based healing practices. I combined my work with water, my passion for metaphysical healing towards healing myself- and healing our sacred waters.
Where You Drawn To The Energy?
I have been drawn to the energy of water for my entire life. That magic was there when I was mesmerized by that river as a child, collecting rocks, shells, and plants. That magic was even stronger when I discovered water witchcraft as a younger adult. This enticing draw that pulls us towards what we need or want in our lives never truly abandons us. That urge is still there- tugging at our heart- and our souls. Making us yearn for something so much more. Being in water in any of her forms- including her energetic one is pure ecstasy.
Does A Particular Water God or Spirit Call You?
Not anyone specific no. While I am devoted to The Morrigan- an Ancient Irish Goddess who is associated with rivers. My spiritual practice does not involve working with all religions. However, if I feel called to work with a specific water goddess or spirit, I will usually answer that call in some way. I am interested in watery-based practices such as Lemuria. For instance, if I want to partake in a water healing event of some type then I would ask a particular goddess for their blessing if they are affiliated with that aspect. I do work with water spirits – selkies, merrows, mermaids. Welsh lake fairies – Gwragedd Annwn.
What Is The Most Important About Water In My Personal Practice?
Feeling connected to her divine healing essence.
What Inspired you to write HEAL THE WATER?
Heal The Water was inspired by a need to see change in our world. In the way that we should be treating water. With love, respect, and gratitude. It was inspired by my yearning to attempt to make a difference- to try to help others understand that water is not just a liquid that we drink to survive- but that she is a mother who nourishes us from her womb. She has sacrificed so much for humanity- why can’t we do the same for her?

Heal What Would You Like To Tell Other Practitioners On Your Path?
I would say to be patient and kind to yourself. I had a hard time accomplishing that myself over the years. It is still a struggle for me now. But if you are kind to yourself- then that energetic kindness reflects in the energetic body of the sacred waters you are working with. She will reflect that to the world. And we really do want her to stay pure, loving and kind. Take time to commune with her- sit in silence with an open heart and mind. Our watery mother will always guide you if you listen.
What Is Your Favorite Watery Place?
I absolutely love the Great Lakes Region here in Michigan. We are surrounded on all three sides by freshwater. This system is my favorite watery place as of yet.
Do You Have A Sacred Body of Water That You Tend?
Not a specific one no. I am more of a hippie type of practitioner. I go with the flow, heal where required, and then move on to the next damaged body of water that needs my love and energy.
What Kind Of Work Do You Do Now?
Right now, I have been working towards promoting my book Heal The Water- I have a few author events and podcasts coming up in the near future. I am also focusing on my needs at this time as well. We are important and in order to care for our water- sometimes we have to stop to take care of our mental, physical, and spiritual health.
Do You Do Healing Rituals Connected To Water?
Yes! I love performing water blessings most of all! A ceremony that requires sitting by a lovely body of sacred water- laying out offerings, signing, and chanting- using high-frequency singing bowls, drums, and creating altars. It is a beautiful way to connect to the divine mother. I love water hydromancy and water scrying. It is healing for me because it allows me to meditate on clear my mind of mental chatter that I must let go of. I do create water-based potions and transform unholy water into the utmost sacred. Spiritual and ritual baths are also a favorite of mine.
How Do You Feel About Pollution/ Water Activism/ Current Attack On Water?
There is an attack on water all over the planet. Greed, money, and a general not caring attitude toward our earth’s most precious resource. Water is being poisoned at such an alarming rate. I do not understand how so many people can just not do anything. Our water has already passed the tipping point- it is on thin fragile ice- what the world needs is a reality check. Not something that will cause chaos but just an event that will make everyone finally stop and say “Okay what can I do”. For us who see the truth and have a heart and love for life- we have to continue to push forward and do what we can to preserve and renew our water sources around the world.
What Are You Doing To Protect The Water Of The World?
I practice a lot of activism types of protection- from recycling to cleaning up rivers and lakes. I offer love and healing to water each day. I enjoy placing energetic boundaries of protection around watery sources such as lakes, rivers, ponds, and wells to maintain drinking quality and the divine essence that makes water sacred.
Learn more about Catharine Robinette here…