Bible Proofs for Catholic Truths [over 2,000 biblical passages] [book, August 2009]
Catholic Salvation: 1871 Bible Passages [12-27-24]
Revelation! 1001 Bible Answers to Theological Topics [book: October 2013]
Bible on the Nature of Saving Faith (Including Assent, Trust, Hope, Works, Obedience, and Sanctification) [380 passages] [1-21-10]
Jesus is God: Hundreds of Biblical Proofs (300 Biblical Proofs + Many Additional Related Cross-References) (RSV edition) [1982; rev. 2012 and 11-26-24]
150 Reasons Why I Became (and Remain) a Catholic (Featuring 300 Biblical Evidences Favoring Catholicism) [1992; revised 9-28-05]
Holy Trinity: Hundreds of Biblical Proofs (RSV edition) [1982; rev. 2012]
Reply to Lucas Banzoli’s 205 Potshots at St. Peter (4 Parts) [5-30-22]
Banzoli’s 45 “Faith Alone” Passages; My 200 Biblical Disproofs [6-16-22]
Inspired!: 198 Supposed Biblical Contradictions Resolved [book: June 2023]
Refutation of 194 Biblical “Contradictions” (8 Parts) [4-11-22]
Falling Away (Apostasy): 150 Biblical Passages (+ Catalogue of Sixty Traits That Apostates Formerly Possessed When They Were in God’s Good Graces) [11-19-24]
Transformation of Believers in the NT: 150 Passages (Regeneration is Only the Beginning . . .) [12-16-24]
St. Augustine: Thoroughly Catholic: 135 Proofs [8-30-12]
Christmas Carols and Songs: An Alphabetical, Chronological, and Geographical Catalogue [135 carols] [December 2005]
Eternal Hell: 125 Biblical Evidences [12-2-24]
The Holy Spirit is a Person: 125 Bible Passages [12-26-24]
Christians or Theists Founded 115 Scientific Fields [8-20-10]
Purgatory: 110 Related Biblical Themes [10-31-24]
Minor Prophets: Their Theology of Salvation [107 passages] [8-2-23]
100 Biblical Arguments Against Sola Scriptura [book: Nov. 2011]
Doctrinal Development: 80 Bible Passages [12-10-24]
Faith Alone? 80 Bible Verses Say Otherwise [National Catholic Register, 10-31-24]
Salvation as a Process: 75 NT Passages [11-16-24]
Scripture on Being Co-Workers with God for Salvation [72 passages] [2013]
God’s “Fellow Workers” Help Spread Salvation & Grace (We “Impart Grace”, “Save” Others, Win Souls, Help Them “Obtain Salvation”, Etc., In Our “Work of the Lord”) [55 passages] [10-29-21]
Refutation of Atheist Paul Carlson’s 51 Bible “Contradictions” [4-6-21]
Final Judgment & Works (Not Faith): 50 Passages [2-10-08]
Meritorious Works: 50 Biblical Proofs [10-4-24]
St. Paul on Grace, Faith, & Works (50 Passages) [8-6-08]
50 New Testament Proofs for Peter’s Primacy & the Papacy [1994]
Reply to Critique of “50 NT Proofs for the Papacy” [3-14-02]
50 Biblical Indications of Petrine Primacy and the Papacy [National Catholic Register, 11-20-16]
Jason Engwer, Trent Horn, & My 50 NT Petrine Proofs [7-28-22]
Honoring Jesus Thru Mary: 50 Biblical Reasons [4-21-15]
50 Biblical Reasons to Honor Jesus Through Mary [National Catholic Register, 7-24-19]
50 Bible Passages on Purgatory & Analogous Processes [2009]
50 Biblical Indications That Purgatory is Real [National Catholic Register, 10-24-16]
50 OT Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus [initial research from 1982; slightly revised in 1997; revised and reformatted for RSV edition in 2012; separated from the larger article on 11-26-24]
50 Ways In Which Luther Had Departed From Catholic Orthodoxy by 1520 (and Why He Was Excommunicated) [3-29-06]
50 Reasons Why Martin Luther Was Excommunicated [National Catholic Register, 11-23-16]
50 “Catholic” John Calvin Views [3-18-10]
50 Biblical Proofs That Jesus is God [National Catholic Register, 2-12-17]
50 Biblical Evidences for the Holy Trinity [National Catholic Register, 11-14-16]
Moses Wrote the Torah: 50 External Evidences [12-14-22]
Reply to Seidensticker’s 50 “2-Minute” Anti-Christian Arguments [12-15-22]
Isaiah’s Catholic & UnProtestant Soteriology [45 passages] [8-1-23]
Jeremiah’s Catholic & Very UnProtestant Soteriology [44 passages] [7-31-23]
“Blameless” & “Pure” in the Bible (Sinless?): 40 Passages [12-12-24]
Works & Sanctification Partly Cause Salvation: 34 Passages [1-30-25]
33 Empiricist Christian Thinkers Before 1000 AD [8-5-10]
Church Fathers vs. “Faith Alone”: Handy Capsule Proofs [30 Church Fathers] [4-9-24]
The Deuterocanon: 27-Point Catholic Summary [3-19-02]
Salvation and Eternal Afterlife in the Old Testament [26 passages] [8-31-19]
25 Bible Passages on Purgatory [1996]
25 Descriptive and Clear Bible Passages About Purgatory [National Catholic Register, 5-7-17]
The “Catholic-Sounding” Luther: 25 Examples [6-16-08]
25 Arguments Regarding Binding Church Authority [1-13-09]
25 Brief Arguments for Binding Catholic Tradition [2009]
25 Brief Arguments Regarding Biblical “Clearness” [2009]
25 Brief Arguments on the Biblical Canon & Protestantism [2009]
OT & Archaeology: 25 Fascinating Confirmations [9-21-21]
Pearce Pablum #72: Flood: 25 Criticisms & Non Sequiturs [3-8-22]
24 Biblical Passages on Meritorious Works [National Catholic Register, 9-30-24]
23 Catholic Medieval Proto-Scientists: 12th-13th Centuries [2010]
22 Reminders That St. Augustine Was 100% Catholic [National Catholic Register, 4-23-20]
Salvation and Justification in the Gospels and Acts [21 passages] [1996]
Invocation of Saints: 20 Biblical Proofs [1-15-24]
Top 20 Biblical Proofs of the Papacy [12-12-15]
Top 20 Biblical Evidences for the Primacy of St. Peter [National Catholic Register, 1-8-18]
Defending 20 Biblical Proofs for the Papacy (vs. Lucas Banzoli) (two parts) [2-13-23]
Star of Bethlehem & Magi: 20 Fascinating Aspects [1-22-21]
St. Paul’s Use of the Term “Gift” & Infused Justification [19 passages] [2013]
Salvation: By Grace Alone, Not Faith Alone or Works [19 passages] [2013]
16 Church Fathers vs. Faith Alone [National Catholic Register, 4-23-24]
15 Theistic Arguments (Copious Resources) [11-3-15]
15 Times Martin Luther Sounded Surprisingly Catholic When Talking About Suffering [National Catholic Register, 2-25-21]
Top 15 “Catholic” Beliefs of John Calvin [8-22-15]
Defending John Calvin’s “Top 15 ‘Catholic’ Beliefs” [9-2-15]
John Calvin’s 15 Surprisingly Catholic Views [National Catholic Register, 10-10-17]
15 Archaeological Proofs of Old Testament Accuracy (National Catholic Register, short summary points from my book, The Word Set in Stone) [3-23-23]
15 Archaeological Proofs of New Testament Accuracy (National Catholic Register, short summary points from my book, The Word Set in Stone) [3-30-23]
Perfectly Keeping the Law: 15 Bible Passages [12-12-24]
Biblical Evidence: Personal Relationship with Jesus [14 passages] [2013; expanded on 1-18-19]
14 More Church Fathers vs. Faith Alone [National Catholic Register, 4-30-24]
James White’s Top Ten Questions for “Romanist” Converts Answered [9-4-07]
Top Ten Remarkable “Catholic” Beliefs of Martin Luther [1-19-15]
10 Remarkably “Catholic” Beliefs of Martin Luther [National Catholic Register, 10-6-17]
Critique of Ten Exaggerated Claims of the “Reformation” [10-31-17]
Archaeology & Ten (More) Kings of Judah & Israel [4-20-23]
Quick Ten-Step Refutation of Sola Scriptura [10-10-03]
10-Point Biblical Refutation of Sola Scriptura [National Catholic Register, 12-11-16]
Nutshell Biblical Intercession of the Saints & Angels [10 Points] [2-3-24]
9 Ways Jesus Tells Us He is God in the Synoptic Gospels [National Catholic Register, 10-28-20]
Patristic Eucharistic Doctrine: Nine Protestant Scholars [12-1-96]
Did St. Augustine Accept All Seven Sacraments? [National Catholic Register, 11-15-17]
St. Augustine Accepted All Seven Catholic Sacraments [9-25-10]
7 Takes on Satan’s Persecutions and the Balanced Christian Life [National Catholic Register, 11-24-18]
Papal Participation in the First Seven Ecumenical Councils [4-22-09]
Seven Replies Re Interceding Saints (vs. Lucas Banzoli) [5-25-22]
Prayers to Saints & for the Dead: Six Biblical Proofs [6-8-18]
My First Six Christmas Poems [1996-2003]
5 Replies to Questions About Catholic (and Biblical) Prayer [National Catholic Register, 11-30-22]
CARM Forum Wrong About Biblical Prayer to Creatures (Five Biblical Examples Provided) [11-21-24]
4 Biblical Proofs for Prayers to Saints and for the Dead [National Catholic Register, 6-16-18]
Photo credit: cover of my 2013 book (self-published) [see book and purchase information].
Summary: Compilation of my own articles that feature a large number of arguments (e.g., “Bible vs. ‘Faith Alone’: 100 Proofs”), including also a few books and one bestselling pamphlet.
Updated on 30 January 2025