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by Patheos
From Christian podcasts to Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim and more, here are the world’s best religious podcasts exploring faiths from all perspectives.
46 Episodes
Patheos hosts a question and answer forum examining world religions including Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and more.
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From Sin to Saint
4 Episodes
Over the next four episodes, we will sit down with experts to examine the life and legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a saintly figure whose story has never been more relevant. In order to grasp the full weight of Bonhoeffer’s legacy, we need to understand the person behind the legend. Who was Dietrich Bonhoeffer? And what experiences in his life led him from a comfortable patriotic German childhood to a resistor of Nazi rule?
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Why I Stay
9 Episodes
There are lots of podcasts and articles about why so many people are leaving religion, but a more interesting question to ask is why people stay, especially those who have been judged, shamed, demonized, or abused by their religious communities. In Why I Stay, we tell stories of faithfulness in the face of judgement, hurt, and betrayal.
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The Bible Brief Podcast
3 Episodes
Many people have tried to turn the book of Revelation into a tool for predicting the end of the world, but that's not what it's about. Yes, it has seven bowls, prophecy, and lots of strange imagery, but it was written to encourage followers of Jesus. Host Lori Denning is joined by Dr. Maclane Heward to sort through some of the popular misunderstandings about Revelation and to give some ideas about how it still applies to our lives today.
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Heretic Happy Hour
298 Episodes
Heretic Happy Hour is an unapologetically irreverent, crass, and sometimes profound conversation about the Christian faith. Hosts Keith Giles and Matthew J. Distefano, pull no punches and leave no stones unturned. For some serious sacred cow-tipping, there’s nothing better than spending an hour of your time with us.
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Snarky Faith
268 Episodes
Snarky Faith is a space where we irreverently wrestle through life, culture and spirituality. It’s a skewering of religion in culture today. The questions or even answers are never the point – it’s all about the conversation. Hosted by Stuart Delony.
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This Is Not Church Podcast
229 Episodes
This Is Not Church podcast offers a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of the intersections between deconstruction, activism, spirituality, and the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as vital issues like Black Lives Matter and First Nations' rights. Hosted by passionate individuals who are dedicated to fostering open and inclusive conversations, this podcast delves into the complex journey of deconstructing one's faith, while simultaneously embracing and advocating for the rights and stories of the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as the fight for racial justice within the Black Lives Matter movement and the preservation of First Nations' cultures and rights. With a focus on examining the evolving landscapes of faith and identity, "This Is Not Church" provides a safe and informative space for listeners to engage with narratives of self-discovery, resilience, and transformation, ultimately encouraging a more empathetic and understanding society.
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Second Cup with Keith
66 Episodes
In this podcast, our host, author, theologian, and podcaster Keith Giles, will provide new insights and perspectives on a variety of questions and topics related to the Christian faith. So, pull up a chair, pour yourself a hot mug of your favorite coffee or tea, and let's learn something new together.
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Wild Olive
82 Episodes
What happens when a literature scholar and a biblical studies scholar walk into a bar? Depends on what they drink. The Wild Olive Podcast brings you game-changing conversations about literature, culture, and the Bible. With co-hosts Jeanne Petrolle and Jennifer Bird, Wild Olive serves up idea-feasts of insight about biblical texts and contemporary literature, with generous side-portions of cultural commentary and hearty laughter.
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Deadly Faith
83 Episodes
Deadly Faith is a true crime podcast that explores the world where religion and crime collide. The world in which some people take their religious beliefs a tad too far. Maybe they hide their evil behind their 'Man of God' persona. Maybe they start a cult, commit murder, or even believe they're the second coming of Jesus Christ himself. It's not a world full of sunshine and rainbows, but it's a world that needs to be explored. That's where Laci and Lola come in. So get ready for some deep dives, hard truths, and even comedic relief as they tell these heartbreaking stories.
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100 Episodes
I write, have a doctorate in mimetic theory and open and relational theology, help non-profits, have a beautiful wife, three kids, and as it's turning out, an intense if not interesting life. Check out jonathan_foster on substack or patreon.
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Honoring the Journey
52 Episodes
Honoring the Journey is hosted by Leslie Nease, a former Christian Radio Host, Speaker & Writer and Contestant on Survivor China known as "Sister Christian". Leslie has since deconstructed her Evangelical beliefs, but is still deeply connected to God and is seeking to understand faith from every perspective. This podcast offers you deep and meaningful conversations about all things faith and deconstruction. Leslie chats with guests who have had faith journeys worth exploring, and dives into different faith practices, ideas and ways to connect with the Divine without religious baggage. Leslie's faith journey is ever evolving and she is filled with curiosity and willingness to explore all things with an open and soft heart.
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The Spiritual Brewpub
65 Episodes
Use sound history to critique, rethink, or rebuild faith. A safe haven for ex-evangelicals or anyone spiritually restless.
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Faith for the Rest of Us
7 Episodes
Faith for the Rest of Us is a podcast hosted by author and pastor Brandan Robertson, exploring life’s big questions with some of the leading voices in progressive religion, philosophy, and spirituality.
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Bros Bibles & Beer
262 Episodes
Serious conversations on faith and culture while not taking ourselves too seriously, Bros Bibles & Beer is a podcast about life, faith & our favorite beverage - Unpolished and potentially unsafe. Kind of like life. Grace-Peace-Cheers!
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The Church Needs Therapy
115 Episodes
Taking the church to therapy.
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The Social Jesus Podcast
38 Episodes
A podcast where we talk about the intersection of faith and social justice, and what a first-century, Jewish, prophet of the poor from Galilee offers us today in our work of love, compassion and justice.
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Love Covered Life
201 Episodes
Love Covered Life Podcast exists to contribute to the expansion of human consciousness into the density of love by: 1. Making spiritual information freely accessible to everyone 2. Providing a safe and respectful platform to share and explore spirituality 3. Promoting conscious, sustainable, ethical, love-based living 4. Highlighting guests with powerful messages about love, unity, spiritual embodiment, and conscious living.
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Liminal Living
195 Episodes
Welcome to the Liminal Living Podcast, where we dive deep into the realm of liminal spaces—those transitional phases where uncertainty is our companion. I'm your host and curator of conversations, Dr. Tom Rundel, and it's my pleasure to serve as your guide through these uncharted territories. With a doctoral background in spirituality and leadership from Portland Seminary, my research has centered on the spirituality found in the narratives of liminality in the Bible, but I have expanded my research to include other faith traditions and cognitive science. Since our launch in 2023, we've been dedicated to exploring the nuances of dark nights and deconstructions, but our journey expanded to include insights from a diverse array of modern-day thinkers and artists. Through a blend of stories, practices, and perspectives, we provide valuable guidance for fellow travelers navigating their own liminal spaces. So, join us as we embark on this journey and embrace the uncertainty in order to uncover the hidden wisdom that lies within the liminal spaces of life.
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Radical Love Live
100 Episodes
In-depth conversations that explore the critical issues surrounding faith and spirituality "outside the boxes"... beyond ideologies and institutions. Hosts Mark Dilcom and Kelly Wilson talk with fellow thought leaders in this upbeat, non-judgmental, radically inclusive space. For more information, visit www.radicallovelive.com. [Views expressed here are solely those of the Radical Love Live team and our guests.]
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I was a Teenage Fundamentalist
123 Episodes
Brian and Troy used to be loyal Christian megachurch leaders. They’re not anymore. This podcast explores life after fundamentalism.
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The God Squad
31 Episodes
Let's talk US politics from a progressive Christian perspective. Authors and former pastors Keith Giles and Desimber Rose, along with progressive theologian Dillon Naber Cruz, are here to make you think - and laugh - about the madness that ensues when we mix faith and politics.
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25 Episodes
The Unbelief Podcast is your space to question, explore, and release the beliefs that no longer serve you—or maybe even caused harm. Hosted by Jeremy Steele, the Skeptic Pastor, this podcast dives deep into deconstruction, offering progressive and thoughtful insights on ancient spiritual texts like the Bible. Through interviews with leading scholars and candid conversations with those navigating their own faith journeys, the Unbelief Podcast invites you to rethink, rediscover, and rebuild your spirituality on your own terms. If you've ever felt disillusioned by what you were told to believe, this is the podcast for you.
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12 Episodes
Welcome to High Minds, the podcast where hosts Andy Colenzo and Matthew J. Distefano take culture, sports, politics, religion, and entertainment to the next level. Join them as they dive into thought-provoking conversations, share hot takes, and offer unique perspectives—all with a fresh, elevated approach. Whether they're breaking down the latest headlines or exploring deeper cultural shifts, Andy and Matthew keep it insightful, engaging, and always entertaining.
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146 Episodes
Weekly Livestreams on YouTube on Wed nights at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific with hosts Ashley Swearengin and @UnconventionalPastorPaul, Paul Swearengin. She served as mayor of a city, Paul was an evangelical pastor. Together, they were deep in the middle of the rise of Christian nationalism.
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The Naked Bible Podcast
479 episodes |
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Weird Religion
157 episodes |
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Church Historia
22 episodes |
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Love Thy Neighborhood
129 episodes |
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Theology in the Raw
380 episodes |
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Audible God
7 episodes |
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Latter-Day Saint
Faith Matters
262 episodes |
Latter-Day Saint
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Follow Him: A Come, Follow Me Podcast featuring Hank Smith & John Bytheway
720 episodes |
Latter-Day Saint
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Book of Mormon Central
1028 episodes |
Latter-Day Saint
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Everyday Liminality
180 episodes |
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The Chorus in the Chaos
76 episodes |
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Tricycle Talks
113 episodes |
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The Wisdom Podcast
190 episodes |
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Buddhist Boot Camp Podcast
171 episodes |
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Everyday Buddhism: Making Everyday Better
122 episodes |
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BAPS Better Living
87 episodes |
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Vedanta Talks
527 episodes |
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Yogic Studies
53 episodes |
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Rabbi, Is Pot Kosher?
51 episodes |
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5 episodes |
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On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah
232 episodes |
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Hijabi Diaries
12 episodes |
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Yaqeen Podcast
349 episodes |
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Honest Tea Talk
46 episodes |
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Sultans and Sneakers
110 episodes |
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Bringing an Ancient Faith to a Modern World with Fr. Anthony Messeh
27 episodes |
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The Religious Studies Project
366 episodes |
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Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world.