Joe Hardhat, the Quintessential Catholic: On Justification [cartoon tract with Dan Grajek, early 90s]
Justification: Classic Catholic & Protestant Reflections [1994]
Fictional Dialogue: Justification & Salvation [1995]
Salvation and Justification in the Gospels and Acts [21 passages] [1996]
Trent Doesn’t Utterly Exclude Imputation (Kenneth Howell) [July 1996]
Dialogue w Baptist on Romans 1:1-3 & Justification [January 1997; revised 8-11-00]
Reply to Atheist Queries Re God (Esp. Trinity & Salvation) [late April 2001]
Council of Trent: Canons on Justification (with a handy summary of Tridentine soteriology) [12-29-03]
“Catholicism Refuted”? (Kevin Cauley): Pt. V: Salvation (+ Purgatory Again) [12-11-04]
Catholics’ Underemphasis on Justification by Faith [3-30-06]
Ecumenical Dialogue: Protestant & Catholic Soteriology [7-8-07]
Comparative Soteriology (Salvation): A Handy Chart [7-19-08]
The Theology of Salvation (+ Pt. 2): chapter four (pp. 161-235) of my 2009 book, Bible Truths for Catholic Truths: A Source Book for Apologists and Inquirers [10-17-23]
Salvation is a Process & Not Instantaneously Assured [2009]
Bible on the Nature of Saving Faith (Including Assent, Trust, Hope, Works, Obedience, and Sanctification) [380 passages] [1-21-10]
Biblical “Power”: Proof of Infused (Catholic) Justification [12 passages] [3-14-11]
Justification: Not by Faith Alone, & Ongoing (Romans 4, James 2, and Abraham’s Multiple Justifications) [10-15-11]
Various Thoughts on Salvation “Outside” the Church [2012]
St. Paul’s Use of the Term “Gift” & Infused Justification [19 passages] [2013]
Salvation: By Grace Alone, Not Faith Alone or Works [19 passages] [2013]
Salvation, Eternal Security, & Grace: Dialogue w Bethany Kerr [4-13-15]
“Catholic Justification” in James & Romans [11-18-15]
Catholicism = “False Gospel”?: Exchange with Anti-Catholic [3-18-17]
Is God Alone Holy, According to Scripture? Or Can We Be Too? [5-3-17]
Why Desire Salvation?”: Reply to a Non-Christian Inquirer [National Catholic Register, 7-7-17]
Biblical Evidence for Catholic Justification [National Catholic Register, 11-2-17]
Seidensticker Folly #29: Repentance: Part of Salvation [10-26-18]
Salvation and Eternal Afterlife in the Old Testament [26 passages] [8-31-19]
Salvation and Immortality Are Not Just New Testament Ideas [National Catholic Register, 9-23-19]
Dialogue: Galatians 3 & Justification (vs. Jason Engwer) [5-29-20]
Baptismal Regeneration and Justification (vs. Jason Engwer) [6-4-20]
The Bible Makes It Clear: Religion Means Relationship With God (and good works) [National Catholic Register, 6-18-21]
Ehrman Errors #3: Jesus vs. Paul on Salvation? [3-22-22]
Justification: A Catholic Perspective (vs. Francisco Tourinho) [6-22-22]
Reply to Francisco Tourinho on Justification: Round 2 (Pt. 1) [+ Part 2] [+ Part 3] [7-19-22]
Ongoing Justification and the Indwelling Holy Spirit [National Catholic Register, 8-1-22]
The Great Justification Debate [with Francisco Tourinho] (Waitin’ . . .) [Facebook, 8-22-22]
Biblical Justification: vs. Francisco Tourinho (Round 3, Pt. 1) [10-20-22]
Peter and Paul Distorts Peter’s Life & Paul’s Teaching [2-25-23]
Justification: vs. Francisco Tourinho (Round 3, Pt. 2) [8-23-23]
Justification: vs. Francisco Tourinho (Rd. 3, Pt. 3) [8-30-23]
Abraham: Justified Twice by Works & Once by Faith [8-30-23]
The Prophet Isaiah Explains How God Saves Us [National Catholic Register, 8-30-23]
Abraham and Ongoing Justification by Faith and Works [National Catholic Register, 9-19-23]
Rescuing Romans from Martin Foord [9-22-23]
Justification is Ongoing, By Analogy Like Salvation (As Ten NT Passages Assert) [Facebook, 9-22-23]
Reply to Jason Engwer on Justification [9-23-23]
Abraham’s Multiple Justifications by Works & Faith: Quick Summary of Biblical Proofs [Facebook, 10-4-23]
Justification: Reply to Jordan Cooper (Highlighting Love as the Fulfilling of the Law & Commandments, in Relation to Justification & Salvation) [4-23-24]
Augsburg Confession Dialogues: Justification [5-3-24]
Millions of Christians Think Baptism Is Unrelated to Justification — Here’s Why They’re Wrong [National Catholic Register, 6-22-24]
Catholic Soteriology (Theology of Salvation) in a Nutshell [Facebook, 9-23-24]
Salvation as a Process: 75 NT Passages [11-16-24]
Catholic Salvation: 1871 Bible Passages [12-27-24]
Works & Sanctification Partly Cause Salvation: 34 Passages [1-30-25]
Paul vs. Calvin: “Doers of the Law” Will be Justified [2004]
Luther’s “Snow-Covered Dunghill” (Myth?) [10-5-05]
John Wesley (Founder of Methodism), Denied “Faith Alone”? [10-20-05]
Luther’s Projection of His Depression & Crises Onto St. Paul [6-1-06]
Dialogue on Luther’s “Getting to a Gracious God” (vs. Lutheran historian “CPA”) [6-4-06]
Alister McGrath on the Protestant Innovation (Corruption?) of Imputed Justification [Facebook, 8-28-06]
Dialogue w Three Lutherans on Justification & Salvation [2-1-07]
Final Judgment & Works (Not Faith): 50 Passages [2-10-08]
Catholic-Protestant Common Ground (Esp. Re Good Works) [4-8-08]
“Working Out” Salvation & Protestant Soteriology (vs. Ken Temple) [4-9-08]
Martin Luther: Good Works Prove Authentic Faith [4-16-08]
St. Paul on Grace, Faith, & Works (50 Passages) [8-6-08]
John Calvin: Good Works Manifest True Saving Faith [9-4-08]
Original Sin, Imputation, & Baptism (vs. Calvin #40) [11-17-09]
Bible on Faith, Works, and Judgment (vs. Jason Engwer) [12-16-09]
Grace, Faith, Works, & Judgment: A Scriptural Exposition [12-16-09; reformulated & abridged on 3-15-17]
Bible on Participation in Our Own Salvation (Always Enabled by God’s Grace)[1-3-10]
Monergism in Initial Justification is Catholic Doctrine [1-7-10]
Martin Luther: Faith Alone is Not Lawless Antinomianism [2-28-10]
Catholics & Justification by Faith Alone: Is There a Sense in Which Catholics Can Accept “Faith Alone” and/or Imputed Justification (with Proper Biblical Qualifications)? [9-28-10]
Dialogue with a Lutheran: Salvation & Miscellany [10-14-11]
“Leaven” of the Pharisees: Hypocrisy or False Doctrine? (vs. Lutheran Nathan Rinne) [11-3-11]
The “Obedience of Faith” in Paul and its Soteriological Implications (Justification and Denial of “Faith Alone”) [from Ferdinand Prat, S. J.; Facebook, 2-1-12]
Can Only Regenerate Men Perform Truly Good Works? (vs. John Calvin) [Oct. 2012]
Catholic & Calvinist Agreement on Justification & Works [2012]
Scripture on Being Co-Workers with God for Salvation [72 passages] [2013]
Final Judgment Always Has to Do with Works and Never with “Faith Alone” [9-5-14]
Jesus vs. “Faith Alone” (Rich Young Ruler) [10-12-15]
Dialogue: Rich Young Ruler & Good Works [10-14-15]
Reply to a Calvinist on Faith Alone and Works [of God Only?] [4-4-17]
Debate with a Lutheran Pastor on Faith and Works [5-4-17]
How Are We Saved? Faith Alone? Or the Way Jesus Taught? [National Catholic Register, 5-11-17]
Armstrong vs. Collins & Walls #8: Heretical Tobit? (Alms & Salvation) [10-20-17]
Armstrong vs. Collins & Walls #12: Salvation (Soteriology) [10-22-17]
“Faith Alone”?: Quick & Decisive Biblical Refutation [1-8-19]
“Faith Alone” & Salvation: Dialogue w Lutheran Pastor (vs. Rev. Ken Howes) [2-18-19]
Calvinist Origin of Luther’s (?) “Snow-Covered Dunghill”? [5-14-19]
‘Doers of the Law’ Are Justified, Says St. Paul [National Catholic Register, 5-22-19]
Jesus on Salvation: Works, Merit and Sacrifice [National Catholic Register, 7-28-19]
Jesus: Faith + Works (Not Faith Alone) Leads to Salvation [8-1-19]
Old Testament Sacrifices: Killing Animals to be Saved? [8-17-19]
Good Works and Men, God’s Grace, and Regeneration (vs. John Calvin) [National Catholic Register, 8-6-20]
Defense of Bible Passages vs. Eternal Security & Faith Alone (vs. Jason Engwer) [8-12-20]
Banzoli’s 45 “Faith Alone” Passages; My 200 Biblical Disproofs [6-16-22]
What the Bible Says About Justification by Faith and Works [National Catholic Register, 7-27-22]
Luther’s Translation of “Faith Alone” in Romans 3:28 (Also: Did “Early Erasmus” Agree with Luther?) [12-7-22]
Luther, James, Faith & Works: Additional Relevant Data [3-7-23]
Dialogue on Meritorious Works & the Gospel [6-30-23]
Dialogue: Rich Young Ruler, Works, & Salvation [7-3-23]
The Classic Catholic-Protestant Debate on “Faith Alone” (Sola Fide) in a Nutshell [Facebook, 9-23-23]
Sola Fide (Faith Alone) Nonexistent Before the Protestant Revolt in 1517 (Geisler & McGrath) [Catholic365, 10-31-23]
Eck vs. Protestantism Chronicles: Good Works [5-31-24]
Works & Salvation: Luther vs. Scripture [7-4-24]
Bible vs. Faith Alone: 2 Thessalonians 2:13 [7-15-24]
Bible vs. Faith Alone: Romans 6:22 [7-15-24]
Bible vs. Faith Alone: Acts 26:18 [7-18-24]
Bible vs. Faith Alone: Acts 15:9 [7-19-24]
Quick, Decisive Refutation of “Faith Alone” from Jesus, Paul, and James [Facebook, 8-15-24]
Meaning of “Live By Faith” (Hab 2:4, Rom 1:17, Etc.) [8-16-24]
Philip Melanchthon in Effect Fights with Jesus Over Faith Alone (Rich Young Ruler Passage) [Facebook, 9-4-24]
Jesus vs. “Faith Alone”: Quick Handy Summary [Facebook, 9-24-24]
Sanctification and Works Are Tied to Salvation [National Catholic Register, 9-26-24]
St. Paul on Justification, Sanctification, & Salvation [1996]
“All Have Sinned” vs. a Sinless, Immaculate Mary? [1996; revised and posted at National Catholic Register on 12-11-17]
Catholic Bible Verses on Sanctification and Merit [12-20-07]
Martin Luther: Strong Elements in His Thinking of Theosis & Sanctification Linked to Justification [11-23-09]
Jesus Associates Works, Merit, & Heroic Sacrifice w Salvation [11-10-18]
Absolution, Sanctification, & Forgiveness: Reply to Calvin #7 [12-19-18]
Random Thoughts on Justification and Sanctification [Facebook, 6-20-22]
Theosis and the Exalted Virgin Mary [7-11-04]
Martin Luther: Strong Elements in His Thinking of Theosis & Sanctification Linked to Justification [11-23-09]
“In Him” An Expression of the Oneness of Theosis? [3-13-14]
Theosis / Deification / Divinization in Western Spirituality [2015]
Vs. Pasqualucci Re Vatican II #1: Gaudium et Spes (Incarnation) [7-11-19]
Banzoli’s 45 “Faith Alone” Passages; My 200 Biblical Disproofs [6-16-22]
Does God “Want” Men to Sin? Does He “Ordain” Sin? [2-17-10 and 3-16-17]
Martin Luther and Lutherans on Mortal & Venial Sins [10-30-17]
What the Bible Says on Degrees of Sin and Mortal Sin [National Catholic Register, 7-6-18]
“Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner”: Biblical & Christlike? [8-21-18]
Should We Pray for All People or Not (1 John 5:16)? [9-5-18]
Vs. James White #8: St. Basil on Mortal & Venial Sin [11-13-19]
“Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner” — Quite Biblical! [National Catholic Register, 1-29-20]
Mortal & Venial Sin: Proof from “Unwitting” Passages [10-26-21]
Question on Whether Ignorance of Mortal Sin is a Good Thing [Facebook, 7-8-23]
Baptism, Regeneration, Assurance? of Salvation (vs. Calvin #39) [11-16-09]
St. Paul: Two-Faced Re Unbelief? (Romans 1 “vs.” Epistles) [7-5-10]
Novelist Anne Rice’s Deconversion: Straw Men & “Baby / Bathwater” (conversion to humanism but not atheism) [7-30-10 and 8-9-10]
Absolute Assurance of Salvation?: Debunking “Prooftexts” [Oct. 2010]
Salvation, Eternal Security, & Grace: Dialogue w Bethany Kerr [4-13-15]
“Once Saved, Always Saved”: Is it Biblical? Antinomian? [8-18-15]
My “Review” of Martin Scorsese’s Silence (+ Facebook Discussion #1 / Facebook Discussion #2) [1-13-17]
Some Nagging Questions About Scorsese’s Silence [National Catholic Register, 2-19-17]
Seidensticker Folly #3: Falsehoods About God & Free Will [8-14-18]
Should We Pray for All People or Not (1 John 5:16)? [9-5-18]
Madison vs. Jesus #7: God Prohibits Some Folks’ Repentance? [8-6-19]
Vs. James White #4: Eternal Security of Believers? [9-19-19]
Vs. James White #7: My Refutations of Calvinism & His Non-Replies [11-12-19]
Reply to Protestant Challenges Re Eternal Security (vs. Jason Engwer) [7-26-20]
Defense of Bible Passages vs. Eternal Security & Faith Alone (vs. Jason Engwer) [8-12-20]
The Bible is Clear: ‘Eternal Security’ is a Manmade Doctrine [National Catholic Register, 8-17-20]
Eternal Security vs. the Bible [National Catholic Register, 8-23-20]
Seidensticker Folly #64: A Saved Dahmer & Damned Anne Frank? [11-24-20]
Perseverance of the Saints: Reply to a Calvinist [5-17-21]
Westminster vs. Bible #1: Assurance of Salvation [5-19-21]
Is True Faith Always Permanent? (vs. Calvin #62) [3-7-23]
No “Eternal Security” in 1 and 2 Timothy (Contra Jason Engwer) [Facebook, 9-25-23]
Reply to Jason Engwer Re Eternal Security [9-26-23]
VIDEO: Can Catholics even know if they’re saved? [Kenny Burchard, utilizing my Bible research, 9-19-24]
Debate: Catholic Assurance of Salvation [10-1-24]
What the Bible Says About Moral Assurance of Salvation [National Catholic Register, 11-13-24]
Falling Away (Apostasy): 150 Biblical Passages (+ Catalogue of Sixty Traits That Apostates Formerly Possessed When They Were in God’s Good Graces) [11-19-24]
VIDEO: “Once Saved Always Saved” REFUTED! – [20+verses] [Dave Armstrong & Kenny Burchard at Catholic Bible Highlights, 11-22-24]
Why Examination of Conscience Is Biblical [National Catholic Register, 11-25-24]
“Reply to Calvin” #3: Synergism, Grace Alone, & the Elect [4-3-17]
Luther (Unlike Lutheranism) Taught Double Predestination [1-11-18]
Predestination and Salvation: Q & A with an Atheist [7-24-18]
Predestination Mysteries: Dialogue with an Atheist [7-24-18]
Limited Atonement: Refutation of James White [9-1-21]
Biblical Reasons Why Catholics Don’t Believe in ‘Limited Atonement’ [National Catholic Register, 10-27-21]
More Biblical Reasons Why Catholics Don’t Believe in ‘Limited Atonement’ [National Catholic Register, 10-30-21]
Last updated on 30 January 2025