The Call of Cernunnos

The Call of Cernunnos January 2, 2025

The tenth online course from Under the Ancient Oaks is now open for registration. The Call of Cernunnos begins on January 16 and will run for five weeks. This will be an exploration of what we know of Cernunnos from ancient times and especially what we know of him from contemporary experience.

photo by John Beckett

The Modules

0. Introduction (free)

1. Cernunnos: History and Lore

2. Cernunnos and Me

3. A God of the Wild in Suburbia

4. The Call of Cernunnos

5. Zoom Ritual and Live Q&A

Class Logistics

As with all UTAO courses, The Call of Cernunnos will be on-demand. Video classes will be released once a week – do them on your own schedule. I expect most of them will run 40 to 50 minutes.

Module 0 – the syllabus module – is available now. Module 1 will go up January 16, and a new module every week after that for four weeks.

The fifth and final module will be a live ritual and Q&A on Zoom, on Sunday, February 16. The exact time is TBD, but it will be in the afternoon. That means late afternoon in the East, early afternoon in the West, and night in Europe. It will be recorded for those who can’t make it, and for those who take the course after the first run.

K.D. Echols has once again graciously agreed to provide written transcripts for those with hearing difficulties, and for those who like to read as well as listen.

Co-teacher and other guests

I’ve brought in guest speakers for other classes, but this is different. Jason Mankey and I were co-editors of The Book of Cernunnos, so it seemed not just right, but also necessary to have him as a co-teacher. Jason and I both have long relationships with Cernunnos. I probably have a little more on the devotional / experiential end (or at least, I’ve written about those things more frequently), while Jason definitely has more expertise in Cernunnos’ history and lore.

How much history and lore does Cernunnos really have? More than most people think.

Additionally, fellow Denton Pagan Cynthia Talbot has already recorded two video segments for the class and may have more. I invited Cyn to help lead this class because I know her experiences of Cernunnos will be relevant to all participants, but they also demonstrate that while Cernunnos is definitely a masculine God, that doesn’t mean he’s just for men. Or even primarily for men.

The Book of Cernunnos

This course is inspired and informed by The Book of Cernunnos, the devotional anthology published last year. It’s the work of 32 writers, artists, poets, and ritualists. Jason and I aren’t going to teach you the One True Way to relate to Cernunnos (there is no One True Way). We’re going to show you how we do it, and also how other people do it. That will help you figure out the best way for you to do it.

There will be required reading, so if you don’t already have the book, get it now.

As always, if you have questions during the class, I’ll do my best to answer them, in one format or another.

Costs and Registration

Registration is open now. Send me an e-mail or use the contact form on the Under the Ancient Oaks website and tell me you want to sign up. I’ll send you a PayPal invoice. Once you pay it, I’ll register you for the class. Most times this will be done within 24 hours, but if you catch me while I’m occupied it may take longer.

The cost is $50 for the entire course.

I am the registrar – do not contact Jason about registration.

A limited number of scholarships are available for those experiencing financial difficulties. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, just ask. I’ll take applications until January 11, and I’ll hold all applications until then. I’ll notify everyone of their application status by January 13.

If you’re in good financial shape, I hope you’ll consider sponsoring a scholarship. Each sponsorship fully funds one scholarship student, and it also counts toward the paid registrations that determine how many scholarships I can fund.


If you have any questions, contact me here or at any of the usual places.

photo by John Beckett

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