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Progressive Christian
10 Signs You're Following TRUMPianity And Not CHRISTianity
In the Era of Trump’s America, I must admit that I hardly recognize the very people who raised me. I was brought up by the Religious Right, and went on to become a faithful foot soldier for the cause of conservative Christianity and right-wing politics until my mid 30’s. However, long...
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General Christian
What Does Ḥeseḏ Mean For Caroline Kennedy And Karoline L.?
As I write my post today, the nation is anxiously watching the confirmation hearings for Robert Kennedy Junior to Pres. Trump’s cabinet as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. For years Mr. Kennedy has been notorious for his outlandish health views and his...
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Latter-day Saint
On emptying Gaza out
The Hebrew “Northern Kingdom” — often called Israel or, after its eventual capital, Samaria — was formed in the tenth century before Christ when the ten northern tribes rebelled against the political entity headquartered in Jerusalem, which thereupon came to be called the “Southern...
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Progressive Christian
Immigration Ministry - 8 Things Churches Should Do in 2025
Immigration ministry in 2025 has changed drastically since the inauguration. Here’s a list of 8 things churches should know and do.
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General Christian
If Given A Bully Pulpit, What Would Your Message Be?
"Lukewarm Christianity has become so normal that Biblical Christianity seems radical." Shane PruittI’ve spent the last few days....
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Progressive Christian
Time to Fight or Make peace?
It is time to tear down, to refrain from embracing, to hate, and to wage war against harmful ideologies and those who enforce them.
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By Faiths
Standing up to Lies: Can America Emerge from Trump's Abuse and Gaslighting?
Explore more Buddhist
My Country Tis a Thee
The Madness of Our Times
By Labeling People Criminals, Tyrants Try To Justify Abuse
Jack Torrance—Everyman? Or Just Every Democrat?—Soul#24
Should the Catholic Church Be Involved in Politics?
What Next?
Explore more Catholic
If Given A Bully Pulpit, What Would Your Message Be?
Poetry to Resist Fascism? Hannah Arendt Shows the Way
A Prayer For Inauguration Day
The Fabric of This Nation is Rotting to its Core!
Explore more Contemplative
Time to Fight or Make peace?
Ceasefire or Just Peace? The Struggle for Justice in Gaza
What would MLK say about the Genocide in Gaza?
Trump: Why I am not Looking Forward to the next 4 years
Huckabee, Gaza, and the Evangelical Failure to Seek Justice
Love the Immigrant: This is the Way
Explore more Evangelical
General Christian
What Does Ḥeseḏ Mean For Caroline Kennedy And Karoline L.?
Immigration Ministry - 8 Things Churches Should Do in 2025
Mercy Plea by Bishop Budde Mirrors 3 Bold Biblical Women
Impact of Biblical Community
What Does Moshia’ Mean For Eggs and The Ukraine War?
11 Lessons for Preachers from Bishop Budde’s Sermon
Explore more General Christian
Question: What is Sikhism, candidate Nikki Haley's onetime religion?
Explore more Hindu
What Does Šāḥâ Mean For Vivek R. And Elon Musk?
What Does Jehovah-Shaphat Mean for Netanyahu And Trump?
What Does Šāp̄aṭ Pete Hegseth and Jack Smith?
How Does Šēḏ Relate to The Panama Canal And South Korea?
What Does Ḥānaḵ Mean For Hanukkah And Amerifest?
How Does Mā'ôr Impact The Government Shutdown And Christmas?
Explore more Jewish
Latter-day Saint
On emptying Gaza out
As political a blog entry as you'll see here
Notes on Latter-day Saints and the Third Reich, Then and Now
A reflection on the near-assassination of Donald J. Trump
A lying liar who lies!
A Potpourri of Thoughts on the Fourth of July
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More Voices
Should Catholic Candidates Be Held to Higher Standards?
On Being a Gemini in the Trump Era
Jordan vs. Trump | In Dialogue With Carmen Ingle
Indictment Medley! Start Spreading the News!
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Question: What is Sikhism, candidate Nikki Haley's onetime religion?
Recognizing Spiritual Abusers
We Have Reason to be Alarmed
Make America Think Again
The Facts of the Matter: Trump and the post truth era
El Paso, Dayton and Gilroy Shootings, Gun Safety and White Supremacism
Explore more Muslim
New Visions
What His Co-Workers Say
A Morality Play for Our Times? Murdochs, Succession, & Grace
Why Taylor is Better than Trump
My Response to the Breach
Is this the last gasp of racism in America?
Judging Justice & Mercy In Politics
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The Coming American Troubles
May Samhain Blessings be Upon the World
The Zen Pagan Endorses Bread and Roses
Binding Trump Is Part Of My Work As A Witch
Protection Magick For The Governor and Other State Leaders
No Justice for Witchcraft Store Targeted by "Antifa Hunter"
Explore more Pagan
Progressive Christian
I Feel Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Post-Election
The Spiritual Leftist’s Post-Election Survival Guide
Will our Election Change Anything in Gaza or the West Bank?
What Would You Do? Gaza, Torture, and the Limits of Patience
Trump, Power, and Evangelical Loyalty: A Reflection on Gaza
Embracing the Spirit of Reconciliation
Explore more Progressive Christian
Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world.