Part of living into our Baptism is taking a stand against evil, not by attacking others, but by...
Explore Jimmy Carter’s faith-driven life of service, compassion, and peace that transformed lives...
In the book of Genesis, we read about how God created the earth including everything on it. He...
Although we want to share our hope to those who mourn, we should also respect their grief and...
When you hear the word "myth," what comes to mind? For many, the association is with something...
Many people reject the Bible as irrelevant to modern life. However, the Bible sets out the...
As I write my post today, the nation is anxiously watching the confirmation hearings for Robert...
Why Is It So Hard for You to Express Your True Feelings? I watch so many movies that depict people...
He was separated from the others so I walked quietly up to him to see what he was up to. “Whatcha...
I recently had an altercation with a loved one. She thought I said something to hurt her...
Society tries to stump Jesus Christ with questions about life and truth, but Christ comes through...
As holy as angels are, their activities are often bound up in ours. So what are angels really...
Every election season, there is a push to get as many people out to vote as possible. The...
This is My blood that establishes the covenant. It is shed for many for the forgiveness of...
Not long ago the phrase “artificial intelligence” was reserved for third rate science fiction...
Showing love to others is much harder than just saying "I love you." Words are easy and talk is...
The importance of belief in the Bible is often debated. There is controversy about different...
Finding your way back into the soul of the world
I'm walking away from the only church I've ever known because of institutional failures and...
I see the ugliness coming from those outside the church, which doesn’t bother me nearly as much as...
When Meagan and I began talking publicly about our courtship and our celibacy, the questions...