I’m exhausted. Life seems to be getting more difficult with each passing day. I feel trapped in a...
The Affair of the Poisons was a strange of especially Parisian incident in which an alleged circle...
Beltane offers us a reminder that you can fall in love with the world again and again, no matter...
I'm constantly i͏n awe of͏ ͏the natural ͏world surroun͏ding us. The ͏whispers͏ of the win͏d, the...
I have seen the 1st cross-quarter day, or Imbolc in the Celtic Wheel, talked about in a couple of...
And frankly? We kind of deserved the bait-and-switch.
Let the waters fall
"The Sacred Flame is but a reminder of the raging, inspiring, and transformative fire our minds...
Philosopher Simon Critchley’s Mysticism is an intriguing text. It’s a solid and accessible...
I rarely do guest posts. But after I heard Cynthia Talbot’s sermon at Denton UU last Sunday, I...
Imbolc is an ancient Gaelic holiday celebrating the very first stirrings of new life–the earliest...
The stacks of things I’ve inherited from my ancestors are piling, I don’t have room to walk, to...
2024 was certainly a year. Not the best, and not the worst I’ve had so far. Even if it wasn’t big...
Over the last 8+ years, I’ve thought/talked/wrote/taught about magical resistance work a whole...
A New Year’s resolution — a promise made to oneself at the start of the new year. Traditionally,...
Finding your way back into the soul of the world
My favorite time of you are "The Embers" the final four months of the year, all filled with...
At Patheos Star and Snake Brandy Williams works with her magical ancestors while grappling with...
With the COVID-19 pandemic raging across the United States, Yule won't be the same for a lot of us...
The Simplicity of the Yuletide Season It’s that time of year again–people are decking the halls...
There’s no right way to grieve this isn’t up for debate. New Orleans will keep shining despite all...
I am excited to bring you the next Interview with a Water Priestess! This time it is with...
Tonight be a night of Saturn, and a fine winter eve to talk of Saturn’s Woody Nightshade, a rather...
The Witch's Baneful Rune is a charm of banishing. I propose this poem as a version of The Baneful...
In a time when so many are deliberately cutting off communication -- calling for their political...