When we decide that some kinds of faith expressions should be a part of any public school...
Raskolnikov, the main character from Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, wants to...
I’ve been wanting to write this article for a couple of years. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is a...
The Kessler Syndrome of American Christianity: How bad theology and culture wars have created a...
Whether involved with the official organization or not, the unofficial “holiday” serves as a day...
The 118th Congress introduced a bill to protect the family structure and reinforce parents' rights...
I want to thank the many friends who have invited us to their various LGBTQ+ faith communities...
The Coming Oligarchic Criminal Kleptocracy Necessitates a Turn Away From Government-Only Solutions
Feminist attack the Christan Wife
The Democratic National Convention spent a good deal of time exposing and excoriating Trump’s...
Philosophy writer Robert J Hutchinson looks at good and bad arguments for and against the...
Who Are You Calling “Demonic”? MAGA evangelicals insist democrats are demons bent on the...
This is a number that people of faith should care deeply about – but sadly, many of them don't...
After winning her first medal in Paris, Bhaker credited her success to reading the Bhagavad Gita....
In a troubling twist of American jurisprudence, the United States Supreme Court has increasingly...
The Inauguration made me reflect on the importance of oaths, which were of enormous significance...
My life closed twice before its close— It yet remains to see If Immortality unveil A third event...
It’s the time of year the modern world dedicates ONE WEEK to the Earth. One week out of 52, when...
So on Friday, President Joe Biden declared that the Equal Rights Amendment is henceforth adopted,...
Everyone’s seen it, and pretty much everyone has their hot take on why it was great, or awful,...
Just in case you were curious, here’s what it would be like if Jesus were like former President...
Religious groups remain divided over the President’s approach to immigration, LGBTQ rights and...